Conor rocked in the first fight or Nate rocked in the rematch - who got more rocked?

What's with you starting tons of shit Conor hater threads?

Sherdog acting like getting rocked and going for a takedown is a bad tactic.
Yeah stay standing and eat shots until you get ko'd or brain damage instead of fighting smart.
Nate Conor 3. Make it happen.
INB4 "Conor got so rocked that he panic rassled" despite the fact that they traded shots on the feet for another minute after that sequence.
Who got more rocked? Mcgregor because he pretty much gave up and got finished after.
With that being said if conor got hit by his own shots he would be KO'd where nate ate them and kept getting up. Really both answers are correct for different reasons
Nate took all of greg. Greg gave his neck as soon as he caught a chin check.
The guy who panic wrestled and gave up his back to avoid getting slept.
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