In a few years, I think WME will regret allowing MayMac to happen. There's a reason why the Fertittas were unwilling to do it........the amount of money Conor earned gave him unlimited leverage over the UFC, because now he doesn't "have to fight." He can just sit back and enjoy his millions.
They got away with paying him a 3 million dollar base salary for his last three fights (fucking laughable), all of which did over 1.3 million PPV buys. Now, he won't return for anything short of $30 million guaranteed, plus PPV points.
It's honestly amusing to see how terrible WME-IMG are at managing this whole thing; part of me actually wants Conor to continue to screw them even harder, just for the lols.
The best thing that ever happened for Conor's financial future in the UFC was to see his fellow PPV draws (Rousey, Lesnar, Jones, GSP) either leave the sport or get USADA'd, because now he's the only guy that can even get a PPV to do over 350k buys. They almost have no choice but to pay him whatever the fuck he wants, and he can keep raising the bar higher and higher, until he'd be making Mayweather-esque purses for every fight.