Conor McGregor with Vladimir Putin!!!

He bullies his neighbours with lethal force, is a mass killer of civilians in Syria, intimidates and kill journalists willy nilly.

He is an absolute monster.

Hillary Clinton is directly responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of civilians in Libya and Syria and the rise of ISIS. She was a chief architect in what has happened in that region and when questioned on it, cackled like an old witch, clearly finding the whole thing funny. I also dread to think what would have happened had she been elected.

I'm not even defending Putin, I'm just pointing out the ridiculous hypocrisy from people on here, especially the holier-than-thou, 'liberal' Hillary Clinton supporters.
When western people commit war crimes in other parts of the world, other people won't say "hey! we do the same. Don't blame the west!"

But hang on - who is doing most of the invading of countries in the last decade or over the last few centuries, and still have military bases in those places they invaded? Forget about Presidents for a second. If you're from Russia or Iran for example - and their governments feed them propaganda as much as they do in the West - but even if you bypass the national news sites from those 2 countries and get all your news from the US, you'd be right to be suspicious of the Americans. Calling Iran a member of the axis of evil after 911. Really? Setting up missile sites in Eastern European countries that could hit Russia in minutes - this is on the news in the West, and like I said, if you were Russian reading about that sort of thing, what would you think if you were Russian?

It's similar to when the Soviets were trying to build launch pads in Cuba and nuclear war almost broke out. A lot of this back and forth between Russia and the US/UK is all propaganda. Just because it's in print on a news site doesn't mean everything is 100 per cent factual.

This person is from an EU country and he made excuses for Putin who killed his people. Lame

Two things; 'from an EU country' and 'made excuses for Putin who killed his people' - what are you on about? People from Europe don't identify themselves as Europeans, and just because the majority of the people on the plane were from Europe doesn't make a difference. A tragic loss of life wherever the people are from doesn't matter one bit.

He didn't make excuses for Putin. He called him one of the best leaders in the world. Firstly, I wouldn't be calling Putin or any other world leader one of the best leaders in the world, as most of them seem to get into politics for power and money. Meeting Conor is, I assume, a good PR move for Putin and that little message calling him one of the greatest leaders is probably nothing more than a flower in his cap. He didn't mention anything about endorsing the murdering of any one.

And let's be honest - if an opponent of Putin or a journalist who writes something negative about him is killed in Russia, you don't care, and why would you. If you're from the US, follow the news south of the border where the drug cartels are killing people for no reason - men, women, children, police, politicians and especially journalists who even write about them.

You're obviously not a fan of Putin, nor am I, but you don't seem to understand why you don't like him from reading your posts.
Hillary Clinton is directly responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of civilians in Libya and Syria and the rise of ISIS. She was a chief architect in what has happened in that region and when questioned on it, cackled like an old witch, clearly finding the whole thing funny. I also dread to think what would have happened had she been elected.

I'm not even defending Putin, I'm just pointing out the ridiculous hypocrisy from people on here, especially the holier-than-thou, 'liberal' Hillary Clinton supporters.

You had Bush sr as President. Then Clinton followed by Bush's son and Hilary put herself up for President when Obama won it? That's almost too coincidental and near fishy when Putin ripped up the constitution on the number of times someone could serve as the Russian President.

Whether the Russians were involved in interfering in the elections - nothing our Democratic countries in the West would do - of course they'd be happier when Trump won given Hilary's ra-ra speeches on how evil Putin was. The irony of her calling someone evil.

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