Conor McGregor Practicing a '360 Head Remover' for Dennis Siver [VIDEO]

I'm convinced Conor could lose this fight and still get a title shot
Can someone tell him that a real fight is happening tomorrow and no one will care about his gimme fight until after that.
Time to bet the house on first round KO.
Trippy thing is I was listening to the same song he was, so when I paused my itunes and the clip played, I tripped out
That kick looks flashy, but if you can throw it right it generates tremendous power. I've personally torn the handle off of kicking paddles in TKD class with that.

You'd have to rock someone pretty hard or catch them bouncing off the cage to have any chance of landing that though.
I'm not diminishing his skills, but that's a pretty common kick. I was expecting a Guile inverted spinning roundhouse. Step your game up, Conor.
its just a tornado kick... lol theres children in my dojo who do it better. If he can land it though hmm
Gonna laugh my fucking ass off if Siver knocks him out
listening to drake while training....

actually listening to drake period....

Call the Emergency Room and have them ready the life support. Siver might literally die when the Goat lands that technique
Worthless. Joe Hogan says you can't use kicks like that in UFC fighting.
However good it looks, until he executes it, just another kick.