Conor Mcgregor Motivation: New video!


K-1 Heavyweight Champion
Feb 23, 2016
Reaction score
I didn't make this video but its a good watch!
Can't wait for the second video after Frankie beats him up..​

How does Conor regroup and get focused?

By shopping for Rolex's on Rodeo Drive in Bev's lost in the world wind of money and fame...

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Other Connor quotes

"In true combat size doesn't matter"
" I can go all fookin day"
" No man can take the left "
" I feel I will finish Nate "
"A champion can truly learn from dis. Stay in the fukin midget devision, be devoted to weight cuts that could kill a mortal man, dis is the sign of a true champion. Come in 25lbs heavier den dem dam midgets and fuke dat shite where you hit someone whith everytin you got and den dey just slap dat shite out of you. Fuke dat shite."
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This video would be so much cooler if he'd already had a few successful come back fights. As of right now, it's all just fluff.
Great video. I love all the commentary from the Conor hater losers above, too. Makes it all so much sweeter.

All successful people I know enjoy motivation philosophy. Every loser I know scoffs and jeers at it. Crabs in the bucket.

Love him or hate him, Conor is a winner in life. You don't have to win every time to be a winner, in fact, winners lose more than losers, cause winners actually try a hell of a lot more.

You have to fail your way to success.

"Winners focus on winning, losers focus on winners."
You know, he wouldn't have had to write an entire essay reaffirming his goals and intentions in life if he didn't receive any hate from fans. And he wouldn't have received any hate, well deserved or not, if he had not been such a dick before each match.
This whole circus of nuthuggers calling haters "jealous" for hating on Conor, when that's hardly the reason, and haters saying off the wall shit about Conor not being skilled or whatever ....all of that is the product of his business and him and his fans need to recognize that.