Conor has the best standup in MMA history and its not even debatable


Brown Belt
May 25, 2014
Reaction score
I keep hearing lately about Mousasi, Prime BJ, and others as being the best standup fighters in MMA. This is false.

In an MMA ring, nobody has consistently come out on top in standup exchanges as Conor. The timing, accuracy, reach and power is a combination we have not seen in MMA before. His counters and head movement when he is focusing on being defensive
are special as well.

The consistency that he is able to hurt or stun his opponent is nothing like we have seen before and his kicks are not that bad either.

I like Mouse, but he is overrated as far as striking. Machida outclassed him on the feet. Tired of hearing about bums who did K-1 or guys like the style bender being praised as amazing MMA strikers when they constantly get tagged by average strikers or knocked the fuck out like steroid freak overeem
This is true, even it it's hard to admit for many people. There hasn't been anyone who controls the range like Notorious McGregor.
Wrong, Brandon Schaub has the best standup.

I don't see Conor McGregor's name on the front of the comedy store....
Delusions of grandeur.....he’s got a great left hand.....whereas someone like Anderson has a KO with each hand, each elbow, each knee and each foot. Conor isn’t in the same hemisphere as far as striking is concerned.
No cindy dandois does .
whats going on here lol
So confused. Saw the thread title and who it was by and couldn't believe it. My only guess is someone got a hold of theproof's account.
I keep hearing lately about Mousasi, Prime BJ, and others as being the best standup fighters in MMA. This is false.
Who even says that? Lol at Mousasi being the GOAT striker
For the sake of MMA we should hope he doesn’t because when he fought a past his prime Floyd he was toyed with a bit. We don’t want people to think that is as good as MMA strikers get with their hands.

I personally think prime Anderson silva is the best striker ever in MMA
Everyone can look good when fighting "midgets" did he get on against the one competent striker he's faced that was his own size? 1-1 and on his bike.