Competing in Grapplers Quest for 1st time


Brown Belt
Jun 18, 2005
Reaction score
Nov 12th, in vegas. any suggestions?? I've only been training BJJ for about 4 months.
Have fun, its way better than naga. Don't panic, that is why I lost my first naga fight.
Weonlywonsixtwo said:
North American Grappling Association.SUCKS and VERY unorganized unlike GQ

I'll second that. NAGA is an unorganized mess. They'll take your money, but won't call you for your match, as it happened to a team mate of mine. I'm lucky I got my match. It was only because I was at the scoring table. I also found the refereeing to be real questionable at times too.
Ye, I had the same problem, people get called for a takedown even though their opponent pulled guard. WTF?

Also I got a bronze medal and wasnt mentioned on their site. Last time I pay 75 bux for a piece of scrap metal.
Weonlywonsixtwo said:
Ye, I had the same problem, people get called for a takedown even though their opponent pulled guard. WTF?

Also I got a bronze medal and wasnt mentioned on their site. Last time I pay 75 bux for a piece of scrap metal.

HA! That happened to me! I pulled the guy and he got credited with the takedown. Not that it matters, because I got submitted, but I'm saying. Also, a teammate of mine was fighting in the Absolute Gi finals (he won, compeletely smoking the guy on points) and had knee-on-belly for what seemed like forever and the referee wasn't bringing his hand up for the points. And, then when my coach was protesting, he god smart-mouthed and started throwing out f-bombs. Low class operation.
Farnsworth said:
HA! That happened to me! I pulled the guy and he got credited with the takedown. Not that it matters, because I got submitted, but I'm saying. Also, a teammate of mine was fighting in the Absolute Gi finals (he won, compeletely smoking the guy on points) and had knee-on-belly for what seemed like forever and the referee wasn't bringing his hand up for the points. And, then when my coach was protesting, he god smart-mouthed and started throwing out f-bombs. Low class operation.
I actually agree with the ref. Why should he reward your friend points for holding knee on belly while not advancing at all? If I give you a point for knee on belly and you stay there, I won't support the obvious stalling.

Anyways I'm not sure if NAGA is worst then GQ, but it was for sure unorganized. I've heard it's been better though.
I'm going to grapplers quest, i will be the one with hello kitty fight shorts on!!!
Soid said:
I actually agree with the ref. Why should he reward your friend points for holding knee on belly while not advancing at all? If I give you a point for knee on belly and you stay there, I won't support the obvious stalling.

Anyways I'm not sure if NAGA is worst then GQ, but it was for sure unorganized. I've heard it's been better though.

Knee-on-belly for over three seconds is still knee-on-belly for over three seconds. The rules state that you have to hold that position for three seconds for the points. It's right there in the rules in black and white. There's no room for a ref to get all idealistic when he's judging the absolute gi final. That's terrible refereeing.

And, it wasn't even stalling. Not even close. He was changing positions at will. The end score was something like 14-0. In fact, during said knee-on-belly, he had the opponent completely immobilized and was actually questioning the ref after he wasn't getting his points. He certainly was not trying to squeak out a stalling win.
Weonlywonsixtwo said:
North American Grappling Association.SUCKS and VERY unorganized unlike GQ

Are you fucking kidding?

Have you even been to a GQ???

Unorganized should have a photo and reference to GQ in the dictionary. Now NAGA shows vary quite a bit in quality but to say GQ is organized is fucking wrong. The NAGA event in California was great. They had division boards on each mat telling you the order they ran in, where they were in the divisions, and approximately how long until your division starts.

Grapplers Quest is a fucking joke compared to that system. They are constantly moving the divisions around on the mats. The PA system is a joke. Hell, last GQ they didn't even have the medals availible that day! They can run gi and no gi divisions for the same person at the same time that forces people to miss one. Thier entrance fees and spectator fees are incredibly outrageous.

Now NAGA certainly has its share of fuck ups but don't even go painting GQ as some model of success. They fuck up quite a bit there too.
Farnsworth said:
Knee-on-belly for over three seconds is still knee-on-belly for over three seconds. The rules state that you have to hold that position for three seconds for the points. It's right there in the rules in black and white. There's no room for a ref to get all idealistic when he's judging the absolute gi final. That's terrible refereeing.

And, it wasn't even stalling. Not even close. He was changing positions at will. The end score was something like 14-0. In fact, during said knee-on-belly, he had the opponent completely immobilized and was actually questioning the ref after he wasn't getting his points. He certainly was not trying to squeak out a stalling win.
They changed the rules when I competed. I thought it's fair that if you are holding mount, and are not doing anything with it, they shouldn't reward the other guy. It'll help guys try and finish the match instead of telling the ref "Hey where are my points?" while winning 14-0.
I competed in NAGA's "Battle at the Beach IV" tournament, and I though it was well organized. A lot better than some others I've been in at least. I did sit right next to the podium the entire time so I wouldn't miss my match though.