Comics buffs: Who is Marvel's "Wonder Woman"?

Organic Damage

Vantablack belt
Jul 4, 2013
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Friend and I got to discussing this while waiting for Civil War to start. We were discussing all the solo hero films in the MCU and how they haven't yet had a female led film.

Then we tried to come up with a likely candidate, someone equivalent to DC's Wonder Woman - but both of us drew a blank.

Storm? Black Widow? I guess there's a Captain Marvel film slated for 2019 but no casuals know that character and will basically get introduced via the MCU.

Is there really no well known Marvel superheroine outside a team book?
I'm drawing a blank. There are a lot of great female characters: Rogue, Mockingbird, Wasp, Dagger...all team books.

Maybe Jessica Jones? I stopped reading for a long time and she popped up in that era.

Nah bro...I got nuffing.
The closest Wonder Woman equivalent Marvel has is Captain Marvel (Carol Danvers) but she's not as popular as Wonder Woman.
Yeah that's what I thought.

I assume at some point there will be a Black Widow film, given Scarlett Johansson's star power and her visibility from the Avengers.