time Ban teh pots.
Yeah, people who take medication such as blood thinners that can be affected by pot should just enjoy the high, man.Lol @ poisoning. No one is getting high off the water, and even if they were, weren't not talking about psilocybin here, we're talking about something your body has naturally built receptors for it to transmit properly.
Fluoride was allegedly administered
to the jews during the holocaust to
make them more docile...
But to be fair, the nazis probably
tested out all sorts of crazy shit on
the Jews for shits & giggles.
Shit, or even NOW....Yeah I know. I guess you couldn't tell by the way I worded it, but I'm against the city putting fluoride in the water. I was just saying that I drink it anyway. Have you ever seen the bottled water for babies? If you read the label it's packed with fluoride.
That being said I still manage to lose my temper by drinking the tainted waterAt least it's clean. Fluoride or not I'll take infinite clean water out of a tap vs what civilizations had to go through to get clean water 500 years ago.
I agree at that the trace amounts are not doing jack shit, but for your second part not everybody likes being high. It could really fuck up children, elderly, or react bad with somebody who has a mental illness. I used to be a daily smoker, but I quit when I joined the Army. After I got out 6 years later and tried smoking pot again I hated it.
Shit, or even NOW....
Crazy statistics on death due
to water born diseases. Particularly,
for kids, too. Fluoride or THC... we
got it good in the US.
So good in fact, that we wash our
cars & flush our shit with water that
could be saving lives.
That's irrelevant, though, because like I said, no one is going to catch even the slightest buzz off of that water. Whoever did it is fucking stupid, but they're not evil.