Colon Cleanser


Orange Belt
Dec 30, 2003
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Anybody ever try one? Did it work? Any suggestions on which brand to use?
The best colon cleanser is boil some green bananas and srink it down. It is not very good tasting but it will push all of the shit in your system out. Also I have had mine done by a doctor and that is usually the best way. But try to Bananas and see how it works
Boomstick said:
The best colon cleanser is boil some green bananas and srink it down. It is not very good tasting but it will push all of the shit in your system out. Also I have had mine done by a doctor and that is usually the best way. But try to Bananas and see how it works

I don't think its a cleanser but green bananas (unripe color) contain compounds which nourish intestinal bacteria and so it may improve nutrient absorption and colon health in general.

Psylium husk is a bulker and will help push out the crap if you're feeling constipated.
I agree -Psylium Husks are the best way to go. Don't get some crap like metamucil that contains Psylium husks. Buy the husks themselves.

Do the following:

At night - put 3 tablespoons in an 8oz glass of Cold Water. Then drink an additional 3 8 oz glasses of cold water. This will be hard to do, but force yourself. It may not do anything the next day, but it will the day after. Do this for a week or so to get all of the shit out.

nhbfan8080 said:
I don't think its a cleanser but green bananas (unripe color) contain compounds which nourish intestinal bacteria and so it may improve nutrient absorption and colon health in general.

Psylium husk is a bulker and will help push out the crap if you're feeling constipated.
I have tried Psylium Husks and always thought i felt better after the bananas. Not sure which worked better but though. The bananas are def. the cheaper of the choices though.
I asked my friend's dad (he's a doctor) this question before. He said to drink 2 liters of water mixed in with 2 tablespoons of salt. Drink the whole 2 liters within 30 minutes. I tried it and like an hour or 2 after I finished it I was shitting. You could feel the bowel movement after taking that.
What's the reason for cleaning your colon, if you already eat a good ammount of fiber?
The cleaner your colon is the better you absorb nutrients from food ??

I'll try the banana thing, and maybe the water+salt trick.
You can't clean out the impacted mucous and undigested stuff that lines the walls of your colon without fasting for at least a couple of days or so, along with ingesting psylium husks or whatever.

The main function of the colon (lower intestine) is to extract water. But, everybody who has done a thorough colon cleanse says they feel great afterward, so there must be something else going on besides water extraction.

I did a minor colon cleanse by drinking water with plenty of psylium husks AND fasting for two days, and doing external massaging of the colon to loosen the stuff. After the second day, long ropes of gray stuff came out that had probably been there for decades. I did feel great, and that was only a partial cleanse. To really do it right, fast for a week, taking a few basic supplements every day. Don't train during a fast.

Here's one website that tells about colon cleansing.
The banas work very well.
What I do when I do it which is once every two months is fast for 2.5 days. Drinking water and taking vitamins. i also drink water with a table spoon of white vinegar twice a day to flush my kidneys then i boil up grean banas and eat/drink them. The rest of the day is spent shitting and pissing. after about the third shit you can tell the bad stuff in your system is coming out because it stinks to high heaven and it is more solid not like diarhea but like little nuggets of stuff. You can also see a difference in the color and the texture which is how you know it is working. Also keep drinking water all throughtout this time the effects last about 30 hours or so. It is not painfull or anything like that I just take a bath after wiping to stay clean and not get the bum hole ruffed up from the wiping.
After the shit stops coming you will feel like achamp. I notice my training for the next week or so is alot better and so is my wind. I also feel alot lighter on my feet and my skin color changes a little bit.
Boomstick said:
...After the shit stops coming you will feel like achamp. I notice my training for the next week or so is alot better and so is my wind. I also feel alot lighter on my feet and my skin color changes a little bit.

Honest to god, it's amazing. The range of positive changes from fasting/colon cleansing is major. Most people say they think more clearly too. It's amazing what a caked colon does to us over time.

Another extremely positive effect is the very real possibility of reducing the chance of colon cancer via regular cleanses. Colon cancer kills 50,000 Americans every year; I think it's the number-two (haha) killer behind heart disease. My theory is that most people let decades of crap accumilate and remain stuck to their colons without ever getting rid of it, and this somehow leads to cancer.

Anyone who doesn't eat only fruits and veggies has this stuff stuck to their colon walls, and it can only help to get it out of the body.
Honest to god, it's amazing. The range of positive changes from fasting/colon cleansing is major. Most people say they think more clearly too. It's amazing what a caked colon does to us over time.

Another extremely positive effect is the very real possibility of reducing the chance of colon cancer via regular cleanses. Colon cancer kills 50,000 Americans every year; I think it's the number-two (haha) killer behind heart disease. My theory is that most people let decades of crap accumilate and remain stuck to their colons without ever getting rid of it, and this somehow leads to cancer.

I think that can be attributed to the rotting and decay of fecal matter in the intestinal track, which leads to all kinds of bacterial organisms being born and bred right inside the body, and I can only imagine what kinds of free radicals this might build up as well. I did a colon cleanse myself and while completely uncomfortable during the process, once all was said and done the difference was indeed uncanny. Especially considering the kinds of food the American public is intaking nowadays, it's very difficult to find food on a consistent basis that doesn't do nearly as much harm as good.

And Boom, I believe you about the bananas. Every time I eat bananas anyway I have to take a dump shortly thereafter.

Fogie - Did you do a blood and organ clense simoltaneous with the Colon Cleanse? That's another thing that does wonders. At my store we sell some good systems that come with fiber-based Colon Cleansers paired with herbal-based organ and bloodstream cleansers. It's like wiping the whole body clean-slate. That's what I did before I redid my supplement regimen last year, and I'm considering doing another one this year.
King Kabuki said:
I think that can be attributed to the rotting and decay of fecal matter in the intestinal track, which leads to all kinds of bacterial organisms being born and bred right inside the body, and I can only imagine what kinds of free radicals this might build up as well. I did a colon cleanse myself and while completely uncomfortable during the process, once all was said and done the difference was indeed uncanny. Especially considering the kinds of food the American public is intaking nowadays, it's very difficult to find food on a consistent basis that doesn't do nearly as much harm as good.

And Boom, I believe you about the bananas. Every time I eat bananas anyway I have to take a dump shortly thereafter.

Fogie - Did you do a blood and organ clense simoltaneous with the Colon Cleanse? That's another thing that does wonders. At my store we sell some good systems that come with fiber-based Colon Cleansers paired with herbal-based organ and bloodstream cleansers. It's like wiping the whole body clean-slate. That's what I did before I redid my supplement regimen last year, and I'm considering doing another one this year.

Ok, I'm hooked dude. I eat like crap, shit like crap, and feel like crap and I think it's time i did this.

So while I'm doing colon cleansing and blood cleansing, anything else you might wanna recommend?
mmacoach said:
That kit I did a link to does everything.
Damn.............. I don't know D.

I don't think I can go through a seven day detox. I would rather suffer harshly for 2 or 3 days and get this shit over with.