Colby on Till's Weight Cut

so now hes calling people by their real name "darrell" like Conor with "edward" what a phony unoriginal bitch this guy is ... worse then kevin lee. conor wannabes <{cruzshake}>
Yeah anyone who talks trash is a Conor wannabe. You just haven't been watching the sport long. As for Till the guy is a chump and deserves to be shat on. Good dog on Colby's part.
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I'm rooting hard for Wonderboy this sunday, probably not as hard as Colby rooting for WB though
Back of the line junior... fat fuck lol.... was he really thinking that he can cheat with one foot ... is he that dumb ?
Colby says what sherdog is thinking
Colby = the voice of sherdog
Losing to RDA in an interim title fight is a better look than missing weight and losing to Wondergoof. What an odd thing to say.

Not really odd at all, because then Colby will be at the back of the line and he won't be able to talk his way into an undeserved title fight again.
Is Colby becoming the new Ja?
As much as I like watching RDA fight please let Colby win so he can continue to trigger this place into seizures lol.. spot on with the till comments
When colby loses he's going to get shit on by like 5 different fighters and pornstars
"Fat fuck"


{<huh} <JagsKiddingMe>
Darren Till would fucking murder Colby Covington.
Colby channeling his inner Shergoof!
Aw fuck, I forgot Colby existed. So when everyone was talking about Colby not being the only prospective contender because of Usman and Till, they both end up fucking all that up in just 2 back to back weekends. Now if RDA shits the bed, we actually have to hear more of this guy? Fuuuuck
Colby is the man! Having sex with beautiful women by day, making weight by night. Or is it the other way around...
Gotta admit im starting to enjoy Colbys act.
I dont know why anyone would call out Darren Til of all people.. the guy is literally a gorilla, a street wise hungry fearless and dangerous gorilla.
Yeah anyone who talks trash is a Conor wannabe. You just haven't been watching the sport long. As for Till the guy is a chump and deserves to be shat on. Good dog on Colby's part.
buddy ii been watching the sport longer then u guaranteed, stfu with that lame response... "oh u must be new" Clearly he is copying Conor u dumb shit, why wouldnt he say Darren .. why Darrell... like conor calling Eddie ---Edward... stop defedning this loser u stupid fuck

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