Cogar Necktats backstage reaction to KO loss

Talk shit, get hit


Take 2 , since it didn't work against Cruz.
some dude posted on reddit (I think) about hooking up with him a couple times a few years ago. More details are out there if you wanna look, most of it gets deleted from here.
Yeah, the guy ended up being the phony bodybuilder's (the one who came to the gym on ig live, and ran away from Danny and Benito) friend and the guys ex posted on social media texts from him to her saying how he made up a story about Cody. It appears some in the closet men have a fascination with Cody and rather air out a wet fantasy as reality, because in society today, rumor is truth to the sheep. Cody was banging PVZ, after Fili was done with her.. then Cody started dating his current wife, so PVZ left the gym and moved to Oregon.
I never got why fighters take their family or wifes to the fights, it makes no sense, wasted energy one or the other way. Who involves their family in his work? Especially MMA! Like, seriously...?!?
Most families are ones initial support system, and fans.. so as one progresses in career, the family become your direct support system and even bigger fans. What athlete doesn't want their loved ones rooting for them and what loved one wouldn't want to go watch their friend or family member, perform in a career that is a dream come true for most?
Cody will win the rematch if he just stays focused, and does what he was doing before the KO. Dilly was clearly struggling.
Cody will win the rematch if he just stays focused, and does what he was doing before the KO. Dilly was clearly struggling.

Unless TJ cracks him in the jaw again.
He'll never be mature enough to learn from it IMO.

The fact that he got so rustled and butt hurt over the JCVD thing just helped confirm this.
Rematch of this will happen and will be just as awesome

Most underrated feud/fight of 2017

I loved every second of this entire thing it was the perfect blend of real hate, cringe comedy and elite level fighting
Losing sucks.

But, the guy with the belt is a complete joke. He needs to shut his piehole about fighting MM unless the fight happens at BW.
Maybe he would if tony mouse would be willing to move up. Can't blame tj entirely for that one
Didn't know Cody was gay.....Kinda explains some things.
I didn't like Cody and AM's highschool drama bullshit in the lead up to the fight, but Cody took his loss like a man.
Hope the shit about him being gay isnt true. Never looked at cogar the same since.
oh man. we have all, including Cody, suffered a great loss now that you don't look at him the same way.
possibly the most satisfying KO of all time for me
Not even top 10
I am in no way a professional fighter but I can’t imagine how upset my family would be if they weren’t able to attend a competition I was in, let alone a championship fight. My parents have shown to every athletic event in my life no matter how insignificant. It’s what family does. He probably doesn’t have a choice even if he didn’t want them there
It puts way more pressure on you (well at least for me). Plus, moms don't like watching their sons getting punched in the face