coffee combinations?

BJJ Coffee Drinker

Amateur Fighter
Sep 2, 2002
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what do you guys drink coffee with? I started to drink coffee once in awhile after reading about some of the benefits and it mostly to me, only matches with pastries or other starchy sweets. I cant really think of much other things that it matches to drink with and getting a weird stomach feeling
I drink mine black. as for what to eat with it? everything.
Coca and chocolate whey

I take it black like urban though (or some choc milk if I have any, thats nice with it)
I like my coffee with cream and Splenda. Hence I only drink on Sundays. Any food goes with it really. I enjoy eggs, bacon, toast, and a big cup of coffee every Sunday morning.
I drink it with some skim milk or cheap powder creamer.

Don't let Mike see this thread though. If he hears about you despoiling the sanctity of coffee with any additives he may go berserk.
black, after almost any does go damn well with anything sweet :)

and it is amazing with musle milk mixed in. FTW
milk, can't stand anything else in it, especially sugar.

and i can drink it with just about anything -or nothing at all.
espresso. (with very little sugar and milk)
Don't let Mike see this thread though. If he hears about you despoiling the sanctity of coffee with any additives he may go berserk.

I worked at Dunkin Donuts for 1.5 years and drank coffee everyday. That's a great job if you like coffee. The REAL secret to why there coffee is good is that they grind their coffee fresh and use real cream instead of that crap you get at the supermarket. Once we ran out of cream we had to got to the store and buy half and half to replace it, and you could really taste the difference. Damn I miss my daily coffee and a honey bran muffin.:icon_sad:
what do you guys drink coffee with? I started to drink coffee once in awhile after reading about some of the benefits and it mostly to me, only matches with pastries or other starchy sweets. I cant really think of much other things that it matches to drink with and getting a weird stomach feeling

I drink coffee with coffee.

Sometimes, at Sbux, I have them add two espresso shots to it. Then I'm drinking coffee with STRONGER coffee.
I don't mean what you put in the coffee I mean what foods do you guys drink it with? I like my coffee black with brown sugar or agave nectar btw.
weekdays: coffee with 1% and splenda, scrampled eggs with spinach and fruit
Weekends: half and half and splenda, homemade whole wheat bread, honey and over meduim eggs
I like weekends better
you can eat anything with coffee, but I don't like sweets with it. They seem to mess with the flavor of the coffee in my opinion
I like my coffee black with brown sugar or agave nectar btw.

well lah dee da Mr. Rich Man, i bet you park your car in a 'garage' at night too

coffee is a predominantly a standalone for me, unless it's one of the rare days i make it to Mickey D's prior to 11am

at home, i'll have a couple mugs (7-8 'cups') prior to eating usually, my mornings are never that frenetic
Every Sunday, coffee and Baileys Irish cream

Good man.

Coffee's interesting because you can find just as many supporting studies for Coffee's Benefits, as well as Negatives...I just base my own experience on: post work out, the Last thing I want is coffee. Or Pre-workout as well..I never understood the guys sipping coffee then doing weights...dehydration ftw.

Coffee Does go with everything. I like it either: latte, or cappucino if I'm trying out coffee's in a new city, or Black w/ a little bit of half-and-half or milk.

Doesn't need sugar.

Goes sooo well with Shepards pie, or breakfast plates; corned beef hash, "piles" of sausage, eggs, veggies etc.
Evaporated Milk or a higher fat cream and 3 Splendas. I drink it seperately after my morning oats/quinoa and chocolate ****bolic drive and mango/blueberry/papaya and cocoa powder breakfast
I remember reading a study on it that coffee is not a diuretic. I can only manage to drink coffee in the morning or in the early afternoon because if not, the caffeine will sustain me till night time and I wont be able to sleep. I think the benefits they offer were also proven to be true due to the caffeine but the negatives seemed to be correlated with too much of the coffee.

so do you guys drink it with the meal or after? It seems I have a hard time drinking it when I have eaten vegetables or meat