City Kickboxing = s***** Kickboxing?

Rocket Punch

Green Belt
Aug 26, 2020
Reaction score
shit cardio

hands down

chin high

no head movement

Kennedy was pushing a heavy pace, there wasn't much he could do and he wasn't doing himself any putting 100% into every shot. Kennedy stalked him like a Zombie and Ulberg probably thought he would have earned his respect with the High Kick but Kennedy said fuck that and still pushed forward.
brb betting the voivodeship on Jan
City Kickboxing should retire.
I always laugh at the whole "he's the main sparring of a world champ so he must be good" narrative.
You can't really blame the whole gym for one guy not properly training his cardio. Most cardio training like running and shit is done on your own time. You don't need coaches to do the extra shit needed.