Chuck Liddell Reincarnation: Which active UFC fighter has the closest style to Chuck Liddell?

First I love your avatar as I am big on tits.

On the side note I am not quite sure how to answer your question, maybe Maretta.

Btw I love Chuck's style and given his dominance up to Rampage fight I am so surprised he is overlooked in the GOAT conversation.


Because his best win was Babalu or Tito
Derrick Lewis? Kinda patient, big power in his hands, stands up after being taken down, hard kicks, etc.
Im amazed no one said whittaker.
His ability to stuff takedowns and get up off the ground is chuck personified.

Hes more technical than chuck and doesn't have that one punch ko power tho.
Yeah i first thought about rob. The karate stance played a big role tho. They both prefer to strike but there's not much else.
Jiri could be a good one but again, not that similar.
Jiri has some similarities to prime chuck. Moving forward attacking and relying on his chin but jiri is more flashy.

No, I'm not talking about the hairstyle or the gut.

I'm talking about the fighting style, the sprawl and brawl.

Anti-wrestling and pure banging,
Which fighter is the new Chuck Liddell?

Ask Babalu.
Jiri has some similarities to prime chuck. Moving forward attacking and relying on his chin but jiri is more flashy.
Chuck was almost a total counter puncher, he wanted his opponents to follow him around and attack first. From what I've seen that's not Jiri.

JDS' boxing was so much cleaner

Which doesn't make one necessarily better.
In boxing you have plenty of examples of technically superior boxers have trouble with less technical boxers - Arguello vs. Pryor, Holyfield vs. Qawi, and many more.

No, I'm not talking about the hairstyle or the gut.

I'm talking about the fighting style, the sprawl and brawl.

Anti-wrestling and pure banging,
Which fighter is the new Chuck Liddell?

He's the only fighter I can remember that could KO guys while running backwards.
2005ish was catching lightning in a bottle in more than one way. Chuck became the first household name of mma. Even " iceman" was heard on the Hollywood big screen. However , Chucks style eventually crumpled him .Any top 205er with a spit of technical ability could either beat Chuck or just put the lights out.
An absolute legend but pound for pound or elite are words I wouldn't attach with Chuck. The " iceman " sold them ppvs, though.
Tito going after a decrepit chuck at his age was shameful. I still haven't watched that shitshow.
Garbrandt in 3 of his last 5 fights
Problem with Anderson is that he couldnt fight effectively going forwards.
When guys went at him with reckless abandon he laid them out beautifully. However, when they stood off and refused to bumrush, Anderson was pretty useless.. see fights versus Maia, Cote, Diaz, Leites for absolute proof.
Chuck was almost a total counter puncher, he wanted his opponents to follow him around and attack first. From what I've seen that's not Jiri.

Honestly I think the closest in countering style might be Dominic Cruz, defencively he's better than Chuck but they both land those looping shots when backing up.
Honestly I think the closest in countering style might be Dominic Cruz, defencively he's better than Chuck but they both land those looping shots when backing up.
Good call, closest I can think of as well to Chuck's style without the power obviously.