Christmas Advice


Inhaling from the Six Demon Bag.
Nov 22, 2010
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My wife mentioned to me that we weren't to buy each other Christmas presents this year (to which I have duly obliged).

With less than 36 hours before the big day I haven't bought her anything, well I did buy her a bottle of her favourite drink (Jagermeister) but I drank it with a chic from work before I rattled her.

Do you guys think she'll be offended that I actually didn't buy her anything for Christmas or do you think she'll understand or do you think I should go to the local fuel station and buy her an air freshener for her car?
Just pop some bath salts and you'll be fine.
Sticky situation. I had an ex who did the same thing on Valentine's day.

If i had known then what i know now, teh jab would've been involved
Sticky situation. I had an ex who did the same thing on Valentine's day.

If i had known then what i know now, teh jab would've been involved

Is that why she's an ex now?
You should divorce her. Best gift you could give her.
I had the same deal with my girlfriend last christmas. However, I bought her the UFC xbox game. Oddly enough she didn't have an xbox, and doesn't play video games at all. But it's the gesture that counts.
Brace yourself TS, a shit storm is heading your way.
You fucked a chick you work with after drinking a bottle of j
You almost got it, I originally bought the bottle for my wife as her present but one thing led to another and I drank it with a colleague (who is fit by the way) and banged her.

Now I've cheated on my wife and have no present

The solution is simple. Buy her an
It sounds like you're a Grade A c*nt son...Why not just tell her what you did, pack your shit, and leave, saving her the trouble over the long run?
Chop her into pieces and display them in public

Buy her a gift but hide it and don't bring it up unless she bitches and moans or brings out a gift for you. You can use that gift for an anniversary, bday, etc...