How many people on the right are infiltrating political rallies and initiating violence and riots. How many people on the right are joining in massive mobs to silence people who they disagree with? How many people on the right are violently clashing with police and senselessly destroying property during protests?
A couple of idiots peacefully protest at a Target and you consider that the equivalent to the insanity leftists resort to. If this was a leftist protest, Target would have been looted and destroyed, people assaulted and police cars overturned and burned. It would have been complete chaos.
The left has a serious problem when it comes to encouraging and championing bullying and criminal behavior. The media bias during the anti-Trump protests is a perfect example. Thugs are being hailed as heroes for being violent at rallies and Trump is blamed for it. If Trump supporters infiltrated Hillary Rallies, the media would be going insane for weeks about how the right encourages violence and hatred.