China Heavyweight: good doc on boxing


Gold Belt
Feb 11, 2005
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I watched this documentary today and really enjoyed it. It shows the life of Qi Moxiang, an ex-pro, and two teenagers who hope to make it to the Olympics. The boxing aspect is interesting and the documentary also gives an idea of what life is in rural China.

It's subtitled, so just that is going to turn off some of you, but I wanted to give an heads-up anyway.

Here's the wiki page:

Saw it in theaters. It's documentary style, but the actual people are actors. I thought it was cool. A stark look into how boxing, and life is in general.
Saw it in theaters. It's documentary style, but the actual people are actors. I thought it was cool. A stark look into how boxing, and life is in general.

They're not actors. It's really a documentary.
Actually i think they were actors. It was more of a mockumentary. The fight scenes at the end weren't real? That much was obvious.
I don't know i kept thinking the whole thing was fictional and just shot in documentary style. Could be wrong though.