Chiesa vs Kuivanen @ UFC 157

kuivanen via chiesa lucking out on tuf.
Chiesa rules, dude is tough as hell and always finds a way to win. Not sure if he is going to make any noise in the LW division but I see him sticking around in the UFC for a while.
Bah should be easy UD for Chiesa. The Finn wount be able to stop the TDs.
Even besides this, how could you hate Chiesa? He seems like a genuinely good person. You'd have to have some serious issues to hate a guy like him.

Ehh, seems like a tool to me. I remember when he was supposed to fight Oliveira and Oliveira pulled out due to injury he went on a Twitter rant with something along the lines of "Wtf I'm pissed, somebody's getting their ass kicked" basically implying that Oliveira was scared of him. Then when Marcus LeVesseur replaced Oliveira guess who has to pull out of that fight.
Ehh, seems like a tool to me. I remember when he was supposed to fight Oliveira and Oliveira pulled out due to injury he went on a Twitter rant with something along the lines of "Wtf I'm pissed, somebody's getting their ass kicked" basically implying that Oliveira was scared of him. Then when Marcus LeVesseur replaced Oliveira guess who has to pull out of that fight.

some of you start hating fighters for the dumbest shit.

I'm convinced a lot of you have never left your house because if you did you'd be pissed at half the human population.
It's impossible for me to pick against a fellow Finn. Kuivanen by KO.
It's impossible for me to pick against a fellow Finn. Kuivanen by KO.

Same here, but he was not very convincing in the debut. Hopefully he has relaxed now. Can't have a swede almost #1 contender in LHW and no Finns!