Chappaquiddick (2018) - positive reviews, interesting story but no buzz and poor box office

They should have made it when people still cared about the Kennedys.
I was going to chek this out today, but it's already pulled from the theaters around me. Oh well.
I was going to chek this out today, but it's already pulled from the theaters around me. Oh well.

That's unfortunate.

Strangely, my theater actually ADDED a showtime this week. Went from four a day to five.
Ha. The Kennedy's view of Camelot was more like Irish politics: Corrupt and Thuggish.
Political Dynasties are such a bizarre concept that belong to banana/potato republics and should have no place here.
Chappaquiddick sounds like a shitty Harry Potter ripoff or some SJW shit about Native American art. They should've called it 'Ted Kennedy Was Involved In a Mysterious Car Accident' or something

Ha just last week my friend asked if I wanted to go see Chappaquiddick and I was like fuck that. Had no idea what it was but it sounded like some hipster indie shit that I wanted no part of.

Thanks to Shadow, I might actually see it now.
well ya, it's a story about how a Liberal politician literally killed a person and walked away scott free....

I can't imagine the Hollywood media dying to push that agenda, just saying

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