Changing of the guard/ future champions


Orange Belt
Sep 6, 2005
Reaction score
I've been a fan of the sport since VHS. This sport has evolved through so many stages to get where it is at currently...every era had its icons or legends.... I could walk you down memory lane for a minute, but that would be tedious....

It started for me with chuck and fedor and randy.... Quickly going from other worldly to human, in less than a years time. The great fighters of my generation are making their exits in the next few years... Hendo, Wand, shogun, shit even Anderson and gsp won't hold the top of the mtn forever.

I look at this sport now and it seems to be getting younger and younger.... Struve, jbj, Dom Cruz, Aldo, Gustaffson... Idk it's already happened... The franklins, Hughes, penns, are gone... I guess every sport goes through this change.... Do you think with the best fighters gravitating around that 24-28 age range (gsp is 31 now for example, almost bordering "old" for a fighter) do you see another Henderson or randy ever again fighting successfully to 40+?

I think that is a phenomena that may bite the dust when all the old dogs finally leave the sport.

Thoughts in general? Fighters to add to my lists? Observations about the age trend?
I must say that im a bit envy, I wish I would have followed the sport on vhs but i started watching about 7 years ago and became i big fan about 3 years ago. Hendo and Randy are just crazy human beings that can hang around in the big leuges in that age, no I dont think there will be more of those guys(maybe Andersson Silva 37). I say to you, enjoy the last fights with your old heroes and try find some new ones, that era is ending but there will always be a new one. I think you have the "prime" age right, the best fighters will be between 24-28 + - a year or two.
Gracie, Sakuraba, Wand, Coleman, Mir, etc.

The reason you see guys like Anderson and GSP stick around so long is that they fight smart and don't take a lot of damage, don't get into a lot of wars.
I think 27-33 is a typical prime actually

The younger you start, the shorter your career typically is.
I definitely think it can be done again, and by similar types of fighters. Probably bigger guys who cut less weight (randy) or who are experts at making the cut as easy as possible (hendo). And probably wrestlers, guys like those two who have a fighting style that doesn't require them to always have to absorb huge amounts of punishment. Guys like Barnett or Rashad come to mind.
yeah,there will still be fighters that are older,trt is a wonderful thing.
Lesnar vs. Carwin hands down
I've been a fan of the sport since VHS. This sport has evolved through so many stages to get where it is at currently...every era had its icons or legends.... I could walk you down memory lane for a minute, but that would be tedious....

It started for me with chuck and fedor and randy.... Quickly going from other worldly to human, in less than a years time. The great fighters of my generation are making their exits in the next few years... Hendo, Wand, shogun, shit even Anderson and gsp won't hold the top of the mtn forever.

I look at this sport now and it seems to be getting younger and younger.... Struve, jbj, Dom Cruz, Aldo, Gustaffson... Idk it's already happened... The franklins, Hughes, penns, are gone... I guess every sport goes through this change.... Do you think with the best fighters gravitating around that 24-28 age range (gsp is 31 now for example, almost bordering "old" for a fighter) do you see another Henderson or randy ever again fighting successfully to 40+?

I think that is a phenomena that may bite the dust when all the old dogs finally leave the sport.

Thoughts in general? Fighters to add to my lists? Observations about the age trend?

Bernard Hopkins seems to be doing okay at 48... I think we'll always have guys who just wanna fight forever.
Guys like Hendo and Couture are also good examples of mileage being more important than age.
LOL @ changing of the "guard"! It's "Changing of the garb", as in clothing. Who the hell changes "guards"? LOL

Correct that grammar elsewhere! Nip that in the butt for all intensive purposes.:rolleyes:
Silva will still be a champ at age 40 I have no doubt.

But the other champs have a long way to go to make it to 40 and still hold the belt.
I definitely think it can be done again, and by similar types of fighters. Probably bigger guys who cut less weight (randy) or who are experts at making the cut as easy as possible (hendo). And probably wrestlers, guys like those two who have a fighting style that doesn't require them to always have to absorb huge amounts of punishment. Guys like Barnett or Rashad come to mind.

id love to see rashad fight 6 more years.... i just dont see it happening

im a big fan of rory's style, i just cant stand him... im trying to force myself to like some younger fighters.....

nick and nate r my faves.... chandler is fun to watch too.... i just hope we get another great soon but i find myself rooting against guys like bjb