Chance Pac gets robbed again?

Or draw? I always expect corrupt decisions in boxing now
The judges are Dave Moretti, Glenn Feldman, Tim Cheatham.

Recent high profile fight for Feldman was 114-114 for GGG/Canelo 2, Moretti scored it 115-113 Canelo on that same fight. Cheatham has championship fight experience.

Make of that what you will. Seems solid
Why would the powers that be want Broner to win?

I can only see UD for Pac whether the judges are corrupt or not.
If it goes to decision, there will be 1000s of posts about it being a robbery, no matter who wins or how they did it.
Nah, if broner wins it'll be legit as it gets.
Seems like you have your mind made up about how the fight will go...if manny wins youre happy, if he loses or a draw then he is robbed....

No. This is actually the first time I'm rooting for Pac.
Seems like you have your mind made up about how the fight will go...if manny wins youre happy, if he loses or a draw then he is robbed....

No for betting
no, but Greg Hardy did- literally. He's begging for the return of his fight bag.