Chael knew too?

someone with twitter please ask him! lol..
People were talking about that when the fight happened too come to think of it, why a coke and not something else.

Then there's his "left something in iowa" tweet someone posted about. I wonder...

Edit: He should have offered Jones a sip if he knew. I'd be dying.

What does "left something in iowa mean"? Could someone explain the connection to cocaine please
Do not like Chael but every time he makes a joke I be like...
Would have been funny but sorry to disappoint

From the Shogun fight

What does "left something in iowa mean"? Could someone explain the connection to cocaine please

I read somewhere that he has a "baby mama" named angela kunz in Iowa and a fight for child support is going on but don't know how true that is
Brilliant! Wish he was still in the UFC

LOL People on here wants Jones stripped of his title, kicked out of the UFC and probably thrown in prison. Meanwhile, people like you, are lauding one of the biggest liars and PED cheats to come down the pike. And wishing he was still here.
Only on Sherdog, folks.
I don't like the way he fights, and he's a lair and a cheat, but (for me) it's impossible to hate Chael as a person. Fucking lol.
I've just fully shat myself lol

The fact that it now appears people knew, with evidence of such like this is coming to light, only make it all the more dramatic.

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