Celebs you're amazed that they're still alive

I recall watching an interview with George RR Martin in 2009 and thinking 'He better finish up those books because as fat as he is I doubt he'll be alive in five years.'

15 years later.... been waiting for the first of his last two books for 14 years...
drugged out ozzy is just an act, ever wonder why he cant string a single coherent sentence together but he can sing all his lyrics with perfect annunciation
LOL. I promise you, Ozzy and Lemmy were not acting through the 80s and 90s. They should have done genetic studies on Lemmy, I have no fucking clue how he lived so long.
Gene Shalit is still alive:

That was a few years back, but still...

He had a heart attack during his final match two years ago. He has cardiomyopathy from drinking all those years.

Guy is going to die penniless on the streets Tampa.
A buddy of mine said he sees him down there all fucked up and I thought he was just bullshitting. That’s sad. At least he isn’t in Ybor doing that.
From wrestling ... Abdullah the Butcher, Hulk Hogan, Ric Flair, Bret Hart, Typhoon, Stg. Slaughter.

Also have John Cheese, Clint Eastwood, David Attenborough, Keith Richard, Jack Nicholson.
New Edition were doing a thing last night and husband was all WTFies thinking Bobby Brown had already carked it.