Kind of same thoughts as the other thread, Assad and his dad ruled the country rather horribly for 50 years through brute violence and it's gonna be interesting to see if things can be better now that he's gone. But in my view it became a dilapidated failed state under his rule and it can only be a negative if Syria goes into civil war - granted that's a big if.
As for Syrians going back home, it's really people with a very strong anti-immigrant agenda that would be jumping on this at day one. Being glad Assad is gone and viewing it as a positive first step, doesn't mean people rationally are just going to jump back on day 1 to their "homes". Realistically, the potential plus is a long term decline in people needing to be displaced and leaving, and it's tough to say at this point how that will turn out.
Moving countries isn't a simple or fun process, let alone from a stable first world country, after you have adjusted to it, and built bonds and so forth to go back to a dilapidated country on day 1 isn't going to be a popular proposition for folks. I mean, just think logistically, you don't know if things will stabilize or there will be another civil war outbreak, you have no government agency to work with there, possibly no habitation to go to outside of a camp, it's a giant mess. It really defies logic to think anyone who has limited financial resources is going to run into that.
Anyhow, I guess what I see is folks who won the birth lottery grabbing their cell phones to make overly simplistic videos for their not-so-thoughtful online following and criticizing people for acting the exact same way they would if they were in their shoes.