Catch Wrestling In Massachusetts Area?


White Belt
Oct 9, 2014
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Hey Sherdog! Wanted to know if there are any catch wrestling academy’s or catch wrestlers in the area of MA. Already tried Mars Academy (unfortunately never got back to me), I’m a purple belt in BJJ and really interested in learning catch!

Look up Boyd Ritchie on Facebook.. I think he's living somewhere up that way and usually knows who's teaching catch in his area.
I wanted to start a club like 7 years ago but didnt get enough interest and a coach. Email the guys at snakepit usa and see if they can help you out.
Just curious, why catch? If its just something youre interested in and like the history, lineage, and mystique, that makes sense. But if youre doing it for MMA or submission grappling competition, wouldn't it be easier and more practical to just cross train in any combination of BJJ, judo, sambo, and amateur wrestling? It just seem there are so few people to learn catch from and even fewer teaching it at a high level.