Catch Wrestler Dominates in Judo Tournament!

Masakatsu Funaki #1

Black Belt
Jun 2, 2002
Reaction score
Anyway I competed in my 3rd Judo tournament. Got two first places and one 2nd. I consider myself a Catch Wrestler, with heavy Judo/Sambo influence. Here go a few vids of me. Not the best in the world (plus I suck with gi on) but I am trying >_<

I am wearing the orange belt in both these vids. I have more matches, in better quality on tape. Once I figure out how to convert those, i'll get those up on here. These vids are digi cam vids:
Good job!!!

I like the transition from back mount to armbar. Very smooth. :)
Looks like it's time for somebody to move up to blue belt.
Great double at the end. Well done!
hey nice video man, unorthox judo but really nice slam, your wrestling style is very apparent due to your awesome strength.
Holy fucking shit, the way you roll is fucking sweet.
AWESOME takedowns man. I'm really envious. I have very little standup game.

and that armbar was so fast. very impressive!
I have more matches, in better quality on tape. Once I figure out how to convert those, i'll get those up on here.
Actually it just occurred to me that if anyone knows how to do this I would be interested as I have an amateur mma fight on tape that I'd quite like to post.
Catch wrestler you say? I didn't see anything I wouldn't see a normal judoka do in a competition. Not meaning to diss you, of course. Anyways, that slam was beautiful, keep up the good work.
great job, you seem to really like the duck-under move..
nice slam..
I can do the conversions for you guys. It will be about a 2-3 day turnaround. You pay for shipping to and from, and I will do it for free.

lol @ the first video. "I don't know what he's doin'"

Good stuff, thanks for the post.
Good videos. Not what I would call "domination", but good videos nonetheless.
lol who the fuck is filming, he/she sucks dude. Who was that kid by the way... lol nice dude.