Cancer sucks.

Isn't it death that sucks? I mean you can have cancer and live but when death happens you're done.

I for one think cancer is ok. The real culprit is death. Although I'm also not against death.

So in the end what I'm saying is everyone should probably skip my post. Thank you.
Two of my friends died of lung cancer from secondhand smoke.
Isn't it death that sucks? I mean you can have cancer and live but when death happens you're done.

I for one think cancer is ok. The real culprit is death. Although I'm also not against death.

So in the end what I'm saying is everyone should probably skip my post. Thank you.

Sounds like you've never seen someone go through cancer treatment.
Sounds like you've never seen someone go through cancer treatment.
Death itself is bad enough, but the suffering cancer victims have to go through is hard to watch. One of my best friends went from a sore shoulder to gone in the matter of 1 month last year. His physical and mental changes from week to week were hard to imagine were real, but they were. It's awful.
To clarify, he elected to have no treatments at all. His suffering was 100% due to the cancer.
Sounds like you've never seen someone go through cancer treatment.

Totally correct. I have been lucky enough to not have a loved one go through cancer or cancer treatment. I hope to keep that record going until death comes to me.
Yes, it does suck. You can live the most healthy lifestyle in the world, and draw the short straw. That goes with tons of other diseases though.
Totally correct. I have been lucky enough to not have a loved one go through cancer or cancer treatment. I hope to keep that record going until death comes to me.

Hope you keep that record going too, but if you don't, you'll realize very quickly that cancer does suck, independent of death.
Isn't it death that sucks? I mean you can have cancer and live but when death happens you're done.

I for one think cancer is ok. The real culprit is death. Although I'm also not against death.

So in the end what I'm saying is everyone should probably skip my post. Thank you.

My mom was diagnosed with terminal lung cancer last year. The tumors were so large that they pressed on nerves and created referred pain up into her neck and other areas of her body. She was taking Oxycontin every 6 hours, she was sucking on custom made Fentanyl suckers, on top of that she was taking Tramadol, Ibuprofen, and a whole host of other pain medications and anti-depressants. She had an incredibly high pain tolerance but her pain was so severe that these drugs never got her to a pain free level, just to a 4 or 5 out of 10 at best and she would be at a 10/10 during her pain spikes. Losing her to death was terrible, watching her suffer 24 hours a day for months on end was worse. Sometimes death is not the worst thing that can happen to you.
Chances are, cancer is what will drive me to visit Japan's suicide forest someday. Family tradition (cancer, not suicide...)
Cancer does indeed suck. Life is a lottery.
Watched my dad get eaten up, have half a lung removed, my aunts get hit in the chest area and come out clean, my grandfather and an uncle pass from it. Recently had a friend get double breast cancer and go through months of hell/chemo and she has a surgery coming up.

Cancer is absolutely fucking crazy, and I hate it.
I work with records of dead people every day. Cancer is the cause of more than half of the deaths I review (probably more, but strokes and such events are categorized as cardiovascular even when they're precipitated by malignancies), and it's often completely unpredictable.

Fuck cancer.
You may remember and regret this statement one day

Ha. Very possible since cancer seems so prevalent. There's probably a lot of things I've said or done or will have said or done that one day I'll regret.

My sister's best friend since forever was recently diagnosed with brain cancer. I know her since I was a baby and she's basically family to us. She's an awesome woman with a cute little daughter. I'm having a hard time accepting it. Cancer really fucking sucks!
I watched my auntie die at 62 with pancreatic cancer. It spread into her bowel and liver. She was given weeks to live from the day it was diagnosed. She was this terrible yellow colour from kidney failure. Too weak to open her eyes and unable to talk. She died one week from diagnosis on the couch with the entire family in the room. We all went through that shit together.

Cancer is fucking terrible.