Can you overdose on melatonin?


Good Times
Jun 13, 2015
Reaction score
I accidently took like 5 of em
Goodnight, clippy. :(

FOREVER!!!! :eek:
It's actually impossible to overdose on melatonin. I know people will say I am trolling but I am not. I took a bunch when I was younger because I was out of weed and wanted to trip, my mom found an empty bottle and called the paramedics. They laughed at me when they took me to the hospital.
You're totally gonna die, probably. Call the police in a panic and record the call for us.
No, you can't.
It is LITERALLY impossible, like you could keep downing them (don't do it) and you wouldn't die (Maybe puke?). I troll sometimes but I am not fucking about here, you will be fine clippy. Someone familiar with pharm will confirm me at some point and prove I am not trolling !
No, but you're gonna fall asleep and when you wake up your dick will have fallen off.

You'll be known as Clipette
I one time took a whole bunch of it just to see if it would make me pass out hard like xanax but it just gave me a headache
Clippy atm

Smoke some cigarettes, the smoke will kill the melatonin in your stomach
Also you should contact whatever 3rd world tier poison control center you Canucks pay out the wazoo for.
If you take too much, it actually has a paradoxical affect where it KEEPS YOU UP rather than make you sleepy

good job buddy
Counteract it with cocaine or meth. It's the only way.