Can White American Males be discriminated against?


Plutonium Belt
Nov 2, 2010
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See the title. I'm honestly curious about this. A girl recently told me: "on a sociological sense, discrimination is like racism, it speaks in terms of trends, and there is no trend of poor little white boy being mistreated"

I want to know what you guys think. Is she right? white males can't be discriminated against?
When you change the definition of discrimination in the question, then you've already asserted the conclusion. What you should do instead is use a different word. As defined, If you can't discriminate against white people, then you can't discriminate against white people, obviously.

We just had this conversation in the white privilege thread. It doesn't lead anywhere good.
Yes of course, anyone can be discriminated against.

If I own a business and I'm racist towards whites and I refuse to hire white people then I'm discriminating against white people.
When you change the definition of discrimination in the question, then you've already asserted the conclusion. What you should do instead is use a different word. As defined, If you can't discriminate against white people, then you can't discriminate against white people, obviously.

We just had this conversation in the white privilege thread. It doesn't lead anywhere good.

I don't usually come to the war room, so I don't know what's really going on around here. How did I change the definition of the word in my question?
Americans white males could be discriminated against for being American, white or male, depending on where they are.
I don't usually come to the war room, so I don't know what's really going on around here. How did I change the definition of the word in my question?

You didn't but the quote in your post does. "If discrimination speaks of trends, and since there is no trend then there is no discrimination" takes a few too many liberties.
Sure: example, a black cop who doesn't think very highly of white people might be more inclined to ticket a white person.
Probably happens every day, just not to the extent that the reverse happens.
As others have said, of course it's possible. I think not even that girl you recently talked to :)D ) would disagree. The only real disagreement is with regard to whether it is relevant on a societal level.

That quote with regard to trend obviously is bullshit, too. Assume a heavily racist society that has a trend to less racism. Of course racism then still is a problem despite the trend.
Why would anyone assume a trend is representative of every single instance? Not to mention that it's pretty obvious white males get discriminated against frequently(as other groups do as well); jobs, acceptance into educational institutions, etc. It's just not perceived as a big deal, because whites tend to be better off socioeconomically, and traditionally have held the lion's share of the power/wealth.
As others have said, of course it's possible. I think not even that girl you recently talked to :)D ) would disagree. The only real disagreement is with regard to whether it is relevant on a societal level.

That quote with regard to trend obviously is bullshit, too. Assume a heavily racist society that has a trend to less racism. Of course racism then still is a problem despite the trend.

That's what I thought too man. This girl stopped talking to me because she said I sound sexist. She said that discrimination is a "law or legal" term, meaning that, for instance If you chose not to date a black girl because you think all black girls have some sort of negative quality based off of your previous experiences with black girls, then that's not discrimination; that's just prejudice and bigotry, but it's not illegal. However, if you chose not to hire a black girl for those same reasons, then that is discrimation because that is illegal.

Is she simply looking at the term discrimination only from a "law" perspective and ignoring the sociological, psychological, and ethical perspectives of the word?

I feel like she trolled me.
ANYONE can be discriminated against. Really needed a thread for the obvious? Is your next thread going to be: "Can a white man run faster then a black man?"
ANYONE can be discriminated against. Really needed a thread for the obvious? Is your next thread going to be: "Can a white man run faster then a black man?"

Yes, but they can't jump higher.
Yes, but they can't jump higher.

Certainly... And when you've got an ideological movement rushing to change definitions of things like racism and sexism so that white males are excluded from being victims of these things, you can bet someone wants you to believe that it can't happen.

I think the IDL signal is flying high in the sky. Where's the hero we need, if not the one we deserve?
Yes. White American males have the hardest time getting any kind of government assistance. It's ironic because white American males as a whole are the most productive citizens our country has. Also white American males are held to a higher standard by police because police have to show they don't pull over more blacks even though blacks commit more crime. If you wanna see discrimination, have a white person drive thru an all black neighborhood. Cops will be all over that
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Anybody who lives in poverty can be discriminated against. Do you think those trailerpark people have been offered all the opportunities that a middle class person has received? You don't think people have certain pre-conceptions against people who look like "white trash"?
Simple answer is yes. That girl is stupid.....discrimination doesnt have to come from government or corporation. It can come from average people. In fact thats where you see more discrimination. Average uneducated people from every race discriminate all the time.
Of course, anyone can be discriminated against. Don't waste any more time trying to bang this SJW broad, TS.
Of course, anyone can be discriminated against. Don't waste any more time trying to bang this SJW broad, TS.

Lol. You figured me out. And yeah, I've since cut her out of my life. It just made me curious if there were actually various stances on this subject.