Can u survive just off nutrition shakes?


Purple Belt
Nov 21, 2005
Reaction score
This is a question, I've always wondered. Provided you take a decetn multivitamin, could you survive off nutrition shakes alone, with nothing else?? ie a pure liquid diet? I'm talking about just for meal replacements. You would still drink water. Also, if you did this and factored in one cheat day, would the "real food" tear your system up?? If you were going to do this, is there one meal replacement or shake you pick over another (for nutrition, not taste)
Yeah, you could survive, but you'd increase your risk of diabetes immensely.

That and it would be the dumbest nutrional plan ever.
Flounder, why don't you try it for 6mos and report back at the end.
I could be like that Spurlock guy on Supersize Me. Maybe call it MuscleMilk Me.
Or you could just call it "Flounder's Runny-Butthole-Diet" for about 5 weeks. Then you would have to change it to "Flounder's Plugged-Up-Butthole Diet". Then after about 4 months I assume, you could call it "Flounder's Funeral Parlor Diet".
Chad Hamilton said:
Or you could just call it "Flounder's Runny-Butthole-Diet" for about 5 weeks. Then you would have to change it to "Flounder's Plugged-Up-Butthole Diet". Then after about 4 months I assume, you could call it "Flounder's Funeral Parlor Diet".


i'm rolling on the ground here!

yeah that about sums it up...hystaricly i might add
Laugh now you mofos. When I grow my muscles and lose my fat belly, you wont be laughing. Especially when I write my book, release my videos and come out with my very own line of diet shakes. Move over Matt Furey, Jared from Subway, and Dr. Atkins. I'm rich bitches!!
Workable. Comatose patients have been on it for years.[Just the they'res injected]

Madmick, why would u say his risk of diabetics is increased? He can take a slow realeasing compound like caesin etc. And some food even release the sugars faster than the shakes
Flounder said:
And all joking aside, there's a similar diet listed on T-Nation called the Velocity diet. The guy recommends cycling it for 28 days.

How does one go about measuring the velocity of ones runny feces exiting the anus?

If there was a contest Flounder, you'd be "The NEW Champeen of the Ultimate Runny Butthole".
Flounder said:
And all joking aside, there's a similar diet listed on T-Nation called the Velocity diet. The guy recommends cycling it for 28 days.

You wanna be this dude's guinea pig, go right ahead. He didn't record BF% or hydration levels before and after his diet, so I can't take him seriously.

Really, this is a glorified milk-only diet with some added fiber.
Even if that definitely did work, you'd probably gain all or most of the weight back once you went back to eating solid meals.
Damn, you guys are really tempting me to do it. The only thing standing in my way is willpower. lol (and cash for all the supplements). I can barely stick to a "normal" diet. This might cause me to go insane. lol
hahahah, but seriously you can do it, like when people break their jaw and have to get it wired shut they mosty live off meal replacements.
Reakt said:
hahahah, but seriously you can do it, like when people break their jaw and have to get it wired shut they mosty live off meal replacements.
I'd blendarize fruits and veggies and oats, drink a shitload of whole milk with some whey, and maybe some green superfood drinks with psyllium husk mixed in.

That's a whole different ballgame than what this guy's talking about.
this diet already has a name...its called the velocity diet, you can read about it at t-nation. its a 4 week diet that is supposedly great for cutting