Maia would make him regret this.
I cant believe people are actually saying Khabib would beat Maia lol this guys hype is out of control. Maia would destroy him.
I think Khabib would fall right into the Spider's trap. Maia would have him webbed up and ready for submission in the first round.
What do you think?
Khabib is a better grappler than Maia.
dude Maia's hype is out of control. he got handled by Rory and Weidman because of their wrestling.
wtf makes you think he would get a takedown against Khabib? even if he does get a takedown, what makes you think he won't get reveresed like everyone else?
Maia has shown his weakness, Khabib is undefeated
Um because Khabib is a 155er and Rory is a huge and elite 170er and Weidman is a former 185lb champion.
Okay but isn't Maia a huge 170 pounder lol.
And Weidman took the fight on 11 days notice, gassed out, and still won lol.
You mean the guy that got out grappled from gleison tibau?