Can I dry my gi in a dryer ?

Mike O'Neil

Amateur Fighter
Apr 6, 2005
Reaction score
So its says I have to let it drip dry. Just wondering if you guys dry your gi's in a dryer and if it would be ok
Depends. It can shrink a lot if it isn't preshrunk
I dry my gi in the dryer. It supposedly affects the durability of the gi in a negative way. My gi's are fine.
i dry my koral in the dryer... did it to a Kagi i had and that one shrunk up conciderably...
If you want it to last a long don't put it in the dryer.
So as far as the shrinking that would be nice cause it's huge. As far as the durabilty meh.. I plan on buying a gamesness gi when I get some money so that doesnt matter ethier
i put mine in the dryer on no heat mode incase I need it dry by the morning.

it takes 3-4 times at 30 minutes a pop, but it works.

or, i've put three box fans on them before and they dry out by morning.
I've been putting my gi's in the dryer for a while now. All of them are in tiptop shape. I don't think it makes a difference. I just think companies tell you that to be on the safe side.
I've had significant shrinkage from drying my gis in the dryer. If you can avoid it (either because you live in Arizona and can air dry anything in fifteen minutes or because you own three or more gis), I'd avoid the dryer.

Admittedly, the gis I bought were "perfect fits" when I bought them. So any shrinkage at all was going to cause me a problem ... The biggest problem was sleeve shrinkage ...
Once they reach the size you want em to stay at then dont stick them in the dryer.

Besides, hanging these heavy suckers on the line is better that paying the electricity bill, although sometimes you have no choie if you have only one suit and train a few times a week.
I dry my gi and it shrunk a bit but the results were what i wanted. I wish i could let it hang dry but i dont have enough gi's. I train everyday pretty much when i'm home
if a gi is the perfect size right when i get it, ill try not to dry it for the first 3-4 times i wash it. after that it seems to set, and it won't shrink much when y ou put it in the dryer. i dry all my gi's and they don't seem to be falling apart or anything.
Everytime I drip dry my Atamas they get as stiff as a board. They are uncomfortable at first but after a while they loosen up. I recomend the dryer but the Gi will start to wear down faster than normal.
I hang dry mine... you could always put it in the dryer but if you have the time I would just hang it.