News Cain Velasquez arrested on a charge of attempted murder for shooting at his relatives molester

Should Cain's friends or family have tried to stop him from making a huge mistake?

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You know what’s messed up is that after the mug shot is taken they make you strip down and show them your scars and tattoos. Then someone looks real close at your b-hole. The one guy who looks at your b-hole has a line of dudes waiting to show their b-holes so he asks that you be quick about it.
lol, I had no idea, but I guess that makes sense...
The police do the arresting but it'd the prosecutors who find the charges. If the headline says he's been officially charged with attempted murder, then the prosecutor filed the charge.
I think you're putting too much faith in headlines.
If they are charged with attempted murder, no. That would come out in trial. You are innocent until proven guilty technically, but if charged with a serious offense like attempted murder you remain in police custody. Unless the police find some ground breaking evidence that exonerates him, he won't be out for awhile. He's most likely staying in county jail then depending on how his case goes, he's going to prison. Attempted murder is extremely serious and I can't see him not serving at least a couple years in prison.
Assuming Cain does not have a criminal history and the gun is legally owned, the judge is likely to set a bail amount on Wednesday. Cain with a good representation would likely plea to a significantly lesser charge and avoid jail.
Yes, that's the reality of the situation. If they gave him that charge they're confident they can land it.

Meh. Very liberal part of California. He's the shooter (99%), but they're charging and making a point blank decision that they don't think it's self defense. The county and surrounding ones are not counties where CCW is widely recognized or distributed so he may have been illegally carrying depending on his residency. There's a lot of factors.

But, in part, I agree they would not hold him without bail unless the circumstances dictated that this wasn't self-defense, or not obviously so.
I think you're putting too much faith in headlines.
I don't think you understand that the news would not cone out that he's been formally charged with attempted murder if he wasn't.
I live in the area and it is not a school zone. Monterey Rd. in that area is a highway with a speed limit of 50ish. The Charter School nearby is only accessible via car. There are no sidewalks or pedestrian traffic, so no school zone. I passed by yesterday trying to get home and it f'ed my commute. Monterey Rd/Bailey intersection was blocked. It appeared it happened at the stop light at the offramp from Bailey to Monterey as that is where most of the cops were and they appeared to be searching the ground (probably for shells.)
Well, i guess he is off the hook for that charge, but even if they plea it down to assualt with a deadly weapon, he is still doing close to 5 years.
Seems to me that being held without bail does not bode well for Cain, but then again we've seen DAs and judges change charges and sentences based solely on social media outcry so who knows what will happen??
Assuming Cain does not have a criminal history and the gun is legally owned, the judge is likely to set a bail amount on Wednesday. Cain with a good representation would likely plea to a significantly lesser charge and avoid jail.

The things he could plead to are still all going to be felonies. Assault with a deadly weapon, aggravated assault, battery, blah blah blah. Maiming (forget the legal term for it in CA) depending on the injury outcome. They can all include prison time. Certainly a bad situation.
Well, i guess he is off the hook for that charge, but even if they plea it down to assualt with a deadly weapon, he is still doing close to 5 years.
could be plead down to absolutely nothing with probation, or charges could be dropped altogether.
This is attempted murder, not assault..
Have you heard of tim lambesis from the band as I lay dying? He tried to have his wife killed, got attempted murder and served 7 years. Nobody actually was physically hurt, he has money, a clean record and his family has money
Cain literally shot a guy. He's not escaping jail.
Pretty sure that happened in Cali too
pure speculation. could be self defense. lets wait and see.
The fact that the great Helwani has not said a single word about Cain tells you everything you will ever want to know about media bias.
No, he shot someone. You’re not getting away with a misdemeanor in this scenario. Best case scenario his charge is assault with a deadly weapon, and he shot someone, so it's going to be a felony.
that is not how this works. he can be given any number of charges in a scenario like this. he can be charged with something small like reckless endangerment or discharging a firearm in public. you never know.
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