Cain did something beyond regaining the belt


Brown Belt
Oct 21, 2012
Reaction score
He showed every athlete clearly that you need to return to the drawing board and to the hard work as quickly as possible, that you can have your redemption and overcome obstacles if you only stay focused. I lost a fight some time ago and nothing made me more motivated to focus and work hard to try and prove myself again than Cain's performance under these circumstances.
I've never lost a fight.

Redemption and reinvention are only for losers.
While I believe Cain could have finished the fight early I'm glad he didn't in a way. He showed it was no fluke and that he really was the better fighter.
Fluke or not - he failed, he worked hard, he succeeded. A living lesson for every young athlete.
Good points made TS. What really impresses me about Cain is how he came back from that loss, many fighters aren't the same but he came back even better. He's an amazing fighter.
Implying he needed to improve in the first place. All he needed to do was keep his hands up more than last time.
Works much better when the athlete has elite talent too. Sorry to tell you, you can train all you want, but you'll never beat either of them in the cage.
While I believe Cain could have finished the fight early I'm glad he didn't in a way. He showed it was no fluke and that he really was the better fighter.

A fluke is difficult to define in fights on this level, especially HW fights.
In different ways, both fights were decided by a single devastating punch.

Cain dominated, but Junior was severely weakened after the big punch in R1.
Watching Junior escape ground control over and over was impressive. Also, before Junior got rocked in the first, it almost seemed like Cain had nothing for him.
Was impressed with Cain's armbar attempt too, he set it up beautifully and almost had it.

IMO, both of them are a much higher level than any other HW, and I think we might be seeing them fight two more times over the next few years.

You guys who think Werdum or The Reem could have Hung with either of these guys last night are dreaming.
Good post Tony.
Bottom line is that there are few or next to no undefeated champions and probably never will be (as far as full career goes, as opposed to a short stint in an organisation).

If a guy loses then changes nothing; he's probably better off not fighting again (my opinion only...)
A fluke is difficult to define in fights on this level, especially HW fights.
In different ways, both fights were decided by a single devastating punch.

Cain dominated, but Junior was severely weakened after the big punch in R1.
Watching Junior escape ground control over and over was impressive. Also, before Junior got rocked in the first, it almost seemed like Cain had nothing for him.
Was impressed with Cain's armbar attempt too, he set it up beautifully and almost had it.

IMO, both of them are a much higher level than any other HW, and I think we might be seeing them fight two more times over the next few years.

You guys who think Werdum or The Reem could have Hung with either of these guys last night are dreaming.

If you think Werdum, Barnett, Cormier or Overeem wouldn't have hung with JDS last night you are seriously dreaming man.

Most of them would have beat him

Saying they couldn't hang up last night with someone who got absolutely destroyed and was never a factor in the fight is perhaps the dumbest statement I have seen on this board today?
Do you even realize how stupid it is to say that ?
If you think Werdum, Barnett, Cormier or Overeem wouldn't have hung with JDS last night you are seriously dreaming man.

Most of them would have beat him

Saying they couldn't hang up last night with someone who got absolutely destroyed and was never a factor in the fight is perhaps the dumbest statement I have seen on this board today?
Do you even realize how stupid it is to say that ?

JDS got destroyed because Cain is that much better, not because JDS is that poor. I'd still favor Junior over Barnett and Werdum, maybe against Overeem and 50/50 against Cormier.
no, he did not do anything different than he normally does.

except in this fight, he didnt get caught by a devastating punch in the first minute. that happens to every pro fighter if they keep fighting long enough
Problem is, some guys can work hard their entire life and they'll still never be as good as Anderson Silva, Jose Aldo, Georges St Pierre, Jon Jones....
If you think Werdum, Barnett, Cormier or Overeem wouldn't have hung with JDS last night you are seriously dreaming man.

Most of them would have beat him

Saying they couldn't hang up last night with someone who got absolutely destroyed and was never a factor in the fight is perhaps the dumbest statement I have seen on this board today?
Do you even realize how stupid it is to say that ?

No, I think it's stupid to think that all these other guys would beat JDS just because Cain did.

Cormier is still a question mark, but the other 3 would get destroyed.

JDS got destroyed because of one devastating punch near the beginning of the fight. None of these guys you mentioned is capable of throwing that the way Cain did.

You think Barnett could even close the distance on JDS, let alone take him down?
Werdum would have zero chance of getting it to the ground and would eventually end up losing to strikes (again).

Don't think that any HW can do what Cain did.