Cage warriors broken leg

Some MMA guys shouldn’t be throwing low kicks. Their timing sucks and their shins can’t take it.
Viewer discretion is advised:

huge mistake.jpg
What causes this? Thst kick didnt even look that hard
The shin bone hit a shin bone of the opponent (or the outside of the knee) when the guy whom has been kicked is well balanced and has his shin bone turned slightly outwards, so there is no muscle to help to absorb the hit. The fighter who train and condition his shin bones as the thai fighters do since very young age don't have much problems with it. To train lowkicks on the pads or bags only and then use them in a fight is a dangerous and stupid idea. We have spend a lot of time kicking the truck tires. Your shin bones will have many tiny cracks after those trainings, but the body will keep growing new layers of bones and make the bones stronger.
It's clearly dangerous with the amount of leg breaks. Seems worse than the deadly 12-6 elbow if you ask me.
It only happen to the fighters who doesn't train the lowkicks properly (without conditioning the shin bone). What if fighters don't learn how to punch properly and from time to time break their wrists? Should it be banned too? Believe or not, it's the exact same thing.
Good on the other dude for recognizing what happened and backing off.
It only happen to the fighters who doesn't train the lowkicks properly (without conditioning the shin bone). What if fighters don't learn how to punch properly and from time to time break their wrists? Should it be banned too? Believe or not, it's the exact same thing.

You make a very valid point, perhaps punching should be banned, or at least make the gloves more padded to help avoid injuries.
Why the fuck did I watch that, they are always so damn brutal.
Hell, its a broken leg. I saw the results of a B52 strike in Nam in 71, Now THAT is gruesome!