Busiest Actor in Hollywood?

Oh wow, this guy is taking it to a new level.

Ya that is crazy. 22 unique roles in 2022 alone.

A lot of these must be singular scenes like playing 'The Mayor' who shows up for a press conferance but has no other scenes.

I am betting a lot of them only pay close to minimum scale too. I think he takes every single roll offered as long as scheduling conflicts don't prevent it. So once he knows what his gap is, he just looks for anything that fits that he can get.

As per the Spolier in my OP, Mel Blanc, the mostly cartoon voice actor, is the king though.

Mel Blanc , 1225 unique roles.

34 unique shows and jobs in 1937 alone.
Based on the actual numbers, screen time, and time in production in 2021:

Based on the actual numbers, screen time, and time in production in 2021:

View attachment 924635
Well that is a different question.

If you only did one movie and that movie went all year long you would be in production all year long but with only 1 project. It would be more like having a regular day job schedule like the rest of us.

I am trying to think how someone like Eric Roberts attends so many different sets in the course of 1 month?

hahaha wow.

Ok I take it back. I am now thinking a lot of his projects may not even pay minimum scale.

It seems there is some chat this may have 'accidentally' been Netflix first ever Direct release in that they aired it when no studio would, and then that became a model for Netflix after as they realized they could take new movies straight to viewers. Would be funny if this Eric Roberts movie changed was a trigger for the change in that model.
Sometimes it feels like Danny Trejo (423) was in almost every movie ever made between 1985 and 2002.
Jane Lynch. She shows up in everything. She even went back in time and appeared in an X-Files episode.