BSN No-xplode creatine?


Yellow Belt
Jun 16, 2005
Reaction score
does anyone use this supplement/creatine? if so, is it any good. i'm stuck between that or CEE by Bulk Nutrition. I have a friend that took no-xplode and he got big pretty fast and lifts forever (gussing it's the nitric oxide) comments or thoughts would help, thank you.
Yes, i have taken it.i bought 2 bottles and ran them for about 2 months. It cost around 35-40 bucks and last about 22-25 days depending on your lifting/intake req's. 2-3 scoops 1/2hr-45 mins before workout on empty stomach.Ok.. You will notice the rush it gives you,about 3/4 of rush you would get off stacker 2 w/ephed, very soon after ingesting it!! It's very uplifting,you can feel your body getting souped. What you make of the workout is what determines how good it will work for you. It's a very good product if you plan or already do train hard. You take it everyday you train and a scoop a day on off days and must drink 120 ounces of water per day!! It's not to bad,but it's useless to take if you cant' get in that amount of water and eat sensibly. I'm not fitness guru or bodybuilder but i would recommend trying it out. If you just want to put on weight/muscle mass i would stick to normal creatine(more cost effective/strickly for mass/size/power),but if your looking for a workout booster the NO-X is your answer. Hope that helps out,oh and just to let you know it contains stimulants so you metabolism speeds up a bunch,so it can make you gassy or dumping more than usual! Good luck.
So all it really is is just a little booster? I will not be taking it with all the other things that are sold separately. Will this help when i condition (i.e. running and jiujitsu)? I'm trying to go for mass/weight (from 140 up to welter or 170+), strength, and looks (which i know is strictly forbiden on these forums or atleast in the power and strength section.).
I bought some but it gave me headaches...I guess im just sensetive to it...but i have heard it does that to some people im proabably one of the few
Bought it, still taking it and i feel it wasnt worth it. Didnt feel any type of boost and i took 1.5 scoops. I got a massive pump during the workout but that was 2 weeks into taking it.
I just cant figure this stuff out....
I can throw a good word in for bulknutrition CEE.

I've been using it for about a month, put on almost 10 lbs (obviously not all because of the creatine but...)

It tastes like a bum's anus, but i am getting results and its cheaper than cheap. 32 bucks or whatever for 200 days worth.
seriously? 32 bucks for that much?....damn....maybe i should start on the chalk again

ummm i just went to check the price on BN's CEE and was surprised to find no BN products on their website other than t-shirts? did they discontinue their whole line? maybe i didn't look hard enough.
#1can said:

ummm i just went to check the price on BN's CEE and was surprised to find no BN products on their website other than t-shirts? did they discontinue their whole line? maybe i didn't look hard enough.

Did you check for manufacturer "1fast400"? That was the website before they decided to name themselves bulk nutrition. It's confusing as hell, too, because they list 1fast400 as the manufacturer, I think, but they put "Bulk Nutrition" on the label.

Don't ask me.