Media Bryce Mitchell informs Bisping that gravity aint real.

I like conspiracy stuff but this is when it goes off the rails. Seems like another form of extremism applied to the conspiracy crowd to cause internal strife arguing over things that make little difference whether correct or not.
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Serious question: does he really claim gravity does not exist? Or, does he claim that no downward bias around 9.8 m/s^2 exists?
There probably were, we just didn't hear about them before social media.
The idea of "common knowledge" in those times was different. Retards were retards but they had common knowledge. Now everyone has a pocket pc and common knowledge has risen. Retards are more retarded and now have a, what I'm going to coin as a "retarded common collective", based on the never misinformed complete factual and all knowing... G,... haha interweb.


Early stoppage, Bryce is clearly throwing a counter leg kick.
Funny how when a public figure denies clear science everyone gets so butthurt about it. I never cared there were idiots in high school who didn't know shit. Let them live in their fantasy world, I feel like it's for attention anyways, don't be the one to give it to them. Laugh and walk away, they clearly know the right answer. No different from the people who want to call the sky red even if its blue.
Not so sure about "clearly". When looking directly into the Atlantic ocean from the East Coast USA it is hard AF to imagine the earth's shape, even knowing IT IS ROUND.

The more you dig down, regardless of where you start, the hotter it will get, no BS.

At least for me, I'm from Napoli and I like swimming. If you look at whatever's on the coast you can see it getting shorter. Easier with a boat I guess but still.
Are you young, or oblivious? This couldn't be further from the truth.

First - this turned into a pretty good thread.
Explaining gravity, density, mass, fluid mechanics, and the effects of pressure differential, in layman's terms, is not an easy task. There are some smart people here taking respectable swings. Personally, if find that to be uplifting and reassuring. I checked this thread when it was 4 pages, and no one had yet bothered to try.

I'm supposed to be working, but I may jump into the fray with a few suggestions.

Before I do, I would like to point out the obvious: prior to the existence of a free global communication and information system, tards had little voice. Now they dominate online discourse unless you know which parts of the internet to avoid, and which parts are worth reading.

IOW - @VulcanNervPinch made an assertion that is dead nuts. Not only is it wise, it is obvious and fully supportable. @mahavishnunj appears to be a potato.
Serious question: does he really claim gravity does not exist? Or, does he claim that no downward bias around 9.8 m/s^2 exists?

In a sense, Bryce is right (although his explanation isn’t).

It’s more about the curving of spacetime according to general relativity.

First - this turned into a pretty good thread.
Explaining gravity, density, mass, fluid mechanics, and the effects of pressure differential, in layman's terms, is not an easy task. There are some smart people here taking respectable swings. Personally, if find that to be uplifting and reassuring. I checked this thread when it was 4 pages, and no one had yet bothered to try.

I'm supposed to be working, but I may jump into the fray with a few suggestions.

Before I do, I would like to point out the obvious: prior to the existence of a free global communication and information system, tards had little voice. Now they dominate online discourse unless you know which parts of the internet to avoid, and which parts are worth reading.

IOW - @VulcanNervPinch made an assertion that is dead nuts. Not only is it wise, it is obvious and fully supportable. @mahavishnunj appears to be a potato.
So now we have a 3rd option, the young/oblivious/or dumb as fuck. Guess which one you are.
There probably were, we just didn't hear about them before social media.

I guess the difference is that stupid ideas had less room to become this widespread and international. This kind of batshit ideas often spread as the "price of admission" for certain communities, that in touting these ideas subsume a certain system of values, like distrusting the government and the mass surveillance, or being an "independent thinker". This kind of individialism that gets uhhh seduced by this "I'm against science" kind of shit is also fairly new, it wasn't the norm in ancient societies. Comes with good and bad things.
Maybe I just grew up ignorant in a bubble of more educated people.
But I swear there weren't this many retarded takes back in the 90's and early 2000's.
There were arguably more but the internet gives everyone a platform to voice their stupidity to the world.
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Natural Selection unfortunately no longer impacts the progress of mankind. And a growing army of brain dead lemmings is proof.
It does... just not in a proper progression. All the retards got together, took a trip to teh zoo and procreated. Plastic, ped lemmings, plus their cunt parents are still about, being Bill Maher in teh bio cpu. They should've opted out of child bearing. Only good thing from Maher haha
All these flat-earth types need to do is fund a balloon to go up high enough to reveal the curve (or lack thereof).
No special cameras, no NASA shit.
Just a balloon and a standard camera, which everyone can agree on.

Someone should do it soon, to stop the condescending rants from folks like good old Bryce here.
It's getting a bit much.

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