Media Bryce Mitchell informs Bisping that gravity aint real.

Imagine studying and dedicating your life to learning and understanding physics, dropping 300K on university, only for some yokel from Arkansas to think spending a few hours watching youtube conspiracy videos every night makes him just as qualified on the subject as you.
Sounds pretty based to me.
Nah it's worse now for sure. Social media gives everyone a safe zone that will "confirm" any thing you may have had a curious idea about and will give you a support group for your thoughts in exchange for backing their thoughts. Internet broke vulnerable people.
Yeah they may have had silly ideas but they kept them to themselves. Now they have a community of like-minded idiots confirming those ideas, and social media algorithms rewarding them for sharing them.

Fucking hell Bispings reaction to hearing that is killing me.

EDIT - Please allow me to also draw your attention the the face Bryce is pulling while having to wait for Bisping to stop laughing.

I feel that Emmet should hit this guy again bit harder.

It's not like he can get any dumber
I don't want to live in any other world than a flat earth one thats gravity free. Bryce for president, 2040.
Maybe I just grew up ignorant in a bubble of more educated people.
But I swear there weren't this many retarded takes back in the 90's and early 2000's.

Before the Internet, it was rare for morons to get on TV/radio or in print.
Now, with the Internet, there's no one stopping the retards from sharing their thoughts.

And now, since a vastly higher percentage of what people consume is retarded nonsense, it makes them dumber.

Idiots need to be re-ostracized.

Fucking hell Bispings reaction to hearing that is killing me.

EDIT - Please allow me to also draw your attention the the face Bryce is pulling while having to wait for Bisping to stop laughing.

You have to be a certain kind of indoctrinated to ask this question. It’s easy to find the answer, but you have to be stupid to not understand the answer.
I really think that Emmett knockout pop a few screws loose in that boys head.
Don't encourage him. He's an attention seeker and most likely a previously banned account.
The tell for me was another thread where he said something objectively wrong and got called in it by like 5 people before me and he was radio silent, but when I point out that a lot of his posts were dumb, THAT was more important for him to reply to calling me a loser for remembering him, but still not responding to anyone proving him wrong.

Just a troll

Sorry bro. That's clearly density.
Imagine studying and dedicating your life to learning and understanding physics, dropping 300K on university, only for some yokel from Arkansas to think spending a few hours watching youtube conspiracy videos every night makes him just as qualified on the subject as you.

But why doesn't a helium balloon drop bro?