Media Bryce Mitchell informs Bisping that gravity aint real.

Yeah if gravity wasn't real Emmett wouldn't have pounced in like a lion with an overhand in motion like that.
There probably were, we just didn't hear about them before social media.
Nah it's worse now for sure. Social media gives everyone a safe zone that will "confirm" any thing you may have had a curious idea about and will give you a support group for your thoughts in exchange for backing their thoughts. Internet broke vulnerable people.
I don’t care about his opinion on space, science and god.

But i think anybody who screams and forces their opinion into conversations like this is quite clearly not an enjoyable person to be around, and that’s across the spectrum.

I have many opinions and beliefs that would lead to debates if i inserted them into conversations, instead i just believe in them, so strongly, that i don’t feel the need to argue with people and get them to agree.

If you truly believe gravity doesn’t exist and the earth is flat, save these discussions for people who will discuss them with you, don’t use them to fuel arguments
I think he's playing it up for the camera here... lol I dunno.

The smirk on his face and him asking to "prove gravity".. is a whole can of worms, arguably the best we can do is a good theory of it.

And although we can predict the effects of gravity extremely well, its the least understood of the four fundamental forces.

gravity is a bitch

Fucking hell Bispings reaction to hearing that is killing me.

EDIT - Please allow me to also draw your attention the the face Bryce is pulling while having to wait for Bisping to stop laughing.

I love how for some reason in Bryce's worm-rotten brain density is acceptable (science taught him what density is) but gravity is not (science also taught him that) lmao
Imagine studying and dedicating your life to learning and understanding physics, dropping 300K on university, only for some yokel from Arkansas to think spending a few hours watching youtube conspiracy videos every night makes him just as qualified on the subject as you.
A guy who jerks off into other guys socks and then wears and sleeps in them disagrees with physicists and says that gravity isn't real and I'm sitting here not sure which to believe
Gravity is a pop term for the masses consumption . The downward force we see and experience is just density/boyancy and electroststics. Hes right

And if science said that, Bryce would claim it was gravity lmao
Maybe I just grew up ignorant in a bubble of more educated people.
But I swear there weren't this many retarded takes back in the 90's and early 2000's.
People have an outlet now and have resources online to communicate with other science deniers. Back in the day if people said something stupid everyone would laugh at them and they would sit back down. If I had to guess. I remember in school people used to practically brag about not being good at math or never reading a book, but now it's evolved (;)) into people bragging not knowing anything whatsoever about repeatedly proven facts. Everything is fake, all science is a scam, and people who have dedicated their whole lives to scientific progression are just plain wrong and/or lying but Terry on Youtube has it figured out. Instead of finishing high school and going to college he spent his time figuring out the basics himself in his living room.
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Bryce fam. Out here makin' rookie mistakes my guy ngl 💯 🗣️ 📠

Gotta spread di argument thin so him can't zero in and disprove anything fam u did good spittin on gravity or lack thereof I rate it but u gave him a softball with di balloon fam cuz every1 know density we all got bathtubs air ting like water cept less dense shoulda went with Antarctic Ice Wall holding di water in den go straight to ancient maps finish em with firmament trust me fam 🚫🌍💯🥏