Opinion Bryce Mitchell educating Pat Bet-David about Flat Earth Physics

I wouldn't say there's been dozens but there have been quite a few flat earthers and a lot of them end up getting banned. But if you add up the ones who believe in flat Earth, the ones who believe in lots of different conspiracies and conspiracy theories, the ones who believe Michelle Obama is a man. The ones who believe that Biden had a robot double or something, I'm at the clintons are drinking baby's blood, that Trump is secretly working behind the scenes to stop pedos and pedo rings on the left etc... When you add it all up. It gets pretty damn absurd and the numbers grow and it's all coming from the right

You're doing the same thing. You heard one or two randos, probably trolls, repeat this crazy stuff and you apply it as a right wing thing. It's like say there are 10 mass shootings a year and 8 of them are right wingers. Yeah right wingers do it more than left wingers but mass shooters make up .0000000000001% of the right wing population. Not really a good idea to lump in mass shooters with right wingers.

Call out any of the standard right wingers on this forum and ask them if they think the earth is flat, if the Clintons are drinking baby blood and if Biden has a robot double and let me know what the results are.

On the flip side, ask the standard left wingers on this forum what a woman is and let the fun ensue.
I always thought the flat-earth stuff was just trolling. It's crazy to listen to someone who seems to actually believe it.
I always thought the flat-earth stuff was just trolling. It's crazy to listen to someone who seems to actually believe it.

There's really not much there besides some interesting baseline questions about how horizons are sometimes visible from quite far away and some laser experiments that are all quite easily disproven by established scientific theory.

Wild to see people go all in on it.
You're doing the same thing. You heard one or two randos, probably trolls, repeat this crazy stuff and you apply it as a right wing thing. It's like say there are 10 mass shootings a year and 8 of them are right wingers. Yeah right wingers do it more than left wingers but mass shooters make up .0000000000001% of the right wing population. Not really a good idea to lump in mass shooters with right wingers.

Call out any of the standard right wingers on this forum and ask them if they think the earth is flat, if the Clintons are drinking baby blood and if Biden has a robot double and let me know what the results are.

On the flip side, ask the standard left wingers on this forum what a woman is and let the fun ensue.
No, it hasn't been one or two people. It's been a lot of people. Sorry man, even the flat earthers I'd say there's been five or six but probably more but when you add all those other conspiracies there's been a lot of people and especially with the Q Anon stuff and Trump. It was freaking crazy man.

You are the one practicing apologetics to defend your tribe.

And I thought that you might bring up the man woman issue. And while I agree with you, the left has gone, insane and stupid on that issue. There is a big difference. They don't actually believe men are women and women are men. They're just buying into the semantics game that trans activists are playing, so they're allowing words to be redefined. They're not actually allowing people to be redefined in the way you state.

And while I agree, it's ridiculous and stupid. It's not the same as believing that Hillary Clinton drinks blood or that Trump is a secret peedo buster.
He claims that if a helicopter takes off and hovers in the air for 4 hours and comes straight back down, that it will land in the same spot that it took off from.


Make fun of him all you want. You and @A Very Serious Cat share like 95% of his politics.

Remember this video?

Remember how hard you and @Lucas1980 were gobbling his nuts?
I always thought the flat-earth stuff was just trolling. It's crazy to listen to someone who seems to actually believe it.
I already a thread about it, but I have a coworker who is a fully committed flat earther. Spends all day arguing about it on truth social. Plus we made a group chat where he argues with like 5 other people.
No, it hasn't been one or two people. It's been a lot of people. Sorry man, even the flat earthers I'd say there's been five or six but probably more but when you add all those other conspiracies there's been a lot of people and especially with the Q Anon stuff and Trump. It was freaking crazy man.

You are the one practicing apologetics to defend your tribe.

And I thought that you might bring up the man woman issue. And while I agree with you, the left has gone, insane and stupid on that issue. There is a big difference. They don't actually believe men are women and women are men. They're just buying into the semantics game that trans activists are playing, so they're allowing words to be redefined. They're not actually allowing people to be redefined in the way you state.

And while I agree, it's ridiculous and stupid. It's not the same as believing that Hillary Clinton drinks blood or that Trump is a secret peedo buster.
This is what a healthy disagreement looks like. I know you buy into the tranny panic a bit, but you're not in every thread screeching strawman statements relating to it everytime you get pushed on something. It's also gotta be really sad when these people quote the Bible as proof for their crazy ass shit. I mean i thought the Bible mentions something about the earth being a sphere even?
This is what a healthy disagreement looks like. I know you buy into the tranny panic a bit, but you're not in every thread screeching strawman statements relating to it everytime you get pushed on something. It's also gotta be really sad when these people quote the Bible as proof for their crazy ass shit. I mean i thought the Bible mentions something about the earth being a sphere even?
Thanks for the compliment. I do appreciate people noticing that I really do try to speak in good faith.

I wouldn't say I bought into any panic but listening to intellectuals honestly discuss the trans phenomenon has changed my opinion somewhat and also all of what's happening in Europe... They all seem to be catching up to what's really going on with all of that way before we are in the states and they're putting the brakes on medical treatment, surgeries, etc. Because they're figuring out they have been hurting kids. And I think we still are.
He claims that if a helicopter takes off and hovers in the air for 4 hours and comes straight back down, that it will land in the same spot that it took off from.


Almost like we have an atmosphere that prevents 1,000 mph winds as the Earth spins 1,000 mph. Or the 67,000 mph we travel around the sun.
Lol@PBD with his stupid framing. "My kids have a globe because they like it since it's fun and it can become a ball if it breaks...why do you want to take the experience of having a ball to play with away from kids?"

Ugh, listening to that bullsh*t was only slightly less absurd than the religious fundamentalist nonsense that came after it.
Come on man, open you're mind, bruh. 😂
Actual video of Bryce Mitchell's childhood education:

No they're f*ckin not. Most flat Earthers are religious nutjobs who in the context of gender would make rudimentary biological essentialist arguments.
His point was valid. The idea you can choose gender is every bit as ridiculous as the flat earth theory, but the gender insanity is more common.
His point was valid. The idea you can choose gender is every bit as ridiculous as the flat earth theory, but the gender insanity is more common.
You don't know what the word gender means. It's not the same as biological sex. Not sure why you guys struggle to understand this so much.
His point was valid. The idea you can choose gender is every bit as ridiculous as the flat earth theory, but the gender insanity is more common.

His point is a whatsboutism that belongs in a tranny thread, and doesn't detract from the notion that "Biblical Flat-Earthers" are a thing, and that Bryce Mitchell is one of them.
You don't know what the word gender means. It's not the same as biological sex. Not sure why you guys struggle to understand this so much.
It actually is inextricably linked to it though, so yes, for all intents and purposes it is the same.
It actually is inextricably linked to it though, so yes, for all intents and purposes it is the same.

Um, what? One thing being linked to another doesn't make it the same. Your feet are linked to your knees, does that make your feet and your knees the same thing?
Um, what? One thing being linked to another doesn't make it the same. Your feet are linked to your knees, does that make your feet and your knees the same thing?
You haven't taken in much eastern philosophy it appears.