Broke my Roku Smart another?


Brown Belt
Dec 7, 2014
Reaction score
Kinda fucked up it broke ad it fell all of like a foot, but wtv.

Should I buy a new one later today, or live without a TV (and PS4) for awhile?
Buy one smart enough to catch its fall.
Bring it to a service center, if it's too expensive to fix then buy.
TVs are cheap af nowadays. Just buy a new one.
Negotiate a cheaper price with the TV maker in exchange for letting the TV record you in high def having sexual relations.
I don't understand the concept of Smart TVs/Roku sticks.

Why don't people just hook a laptop up to their TV?
Spend the money on a Peloton instead
Those Are ridiculously cheap. Just buy another one.
I bought one from Best Buy that my nephew threw a ball at, had a line going across the tv. They said bring it in and if they can’t fix it they will replace which they did.

Didn’t even have a warranty so maybe try that first.
Question the manhood of your TV and maybe it'll grow a pair and not be a bitch when falling a foot.
TS clearly put money on Cerrone.

I have a mounted TV and the laptop is in a cabinet underneath. The wires all feed behind the wall completely out of view.
Yea but do you ever need to take out the laptop and use it and untangle all the wires
Lol you dum dum

People dont want to hook a fucking laptop up to their TV's thats why
The UFC began airing fights live on Facebook in 2011. There was no way to watch these fights on your TV without hooking up a laptop to your TV. That's what I did then, and that's what I've done ever since.

Yea but do you ever need to take out the laptop and use it and untangle all the wires
Untangle what? If you want to use the laptop separately you simply unplug the HDMI cable and power cable. The wires stay in place.
Why deal with all that shit when you can just press a button
I don't understand the concept of Smart TVs/Roku sticks.

Why don't people just hook a laptop up to their TV?

Because it's a PITA. I used to do that a bit before I had a smart TV. Now, it's much easier.

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