Britain's 'worst ever' child grooming scandal exposed

Dissolution of national identity, peoples, cultures, and sense of unity in order to transition to a more 'globalized' power structure concentrated in the hands of fewer people I think is the biggest reason. So you see the same thing happening in Europe and all Western nations really (except Israel)

Who are most likely to resist such a thing? The people who have the deepest ties and are largest in numbers. Break those people and the biggest hurdle is gone.

It also creates such divisions within that no single group could ever unify in defense of such subversive tactics.
I see. So western-politicians are basically puppets of globalists? And why is Israel an exception? It seems to be very progressive and tolerant.
I see. So western-politicians are basically puppets of globalists? And why is Israel an exception? It seems to be very progressive and tolerant.

They are puppets in the sense that they all push that agenda and it is good for their careers to do so, yes it seems that way. They may or may not like it, or even be aware of the full implications.

Zionism is adopted as a desired philosophy among the same people. It's basically part of the package for Western politicians to support. I'm assuming because there is a great deal of influential people that see a different future for Israel.

It's also interesting to note that many non-Western nations have not succumbed to the same project, but they may very well be pushed into doing so in the not too distant future.
Seriously, when the fuck are vigilantes going to start up? I'm not even British and I want to make people pay for this bullshit.
Time to just nuke the UK. This is like the third time that such a scandal has arisen in which authorities ignore child rape and sex trafficking in the name of "diversity". Burn it the fuck down.
I am so ashamed of many people that live here, who feel more sympathy for the perpetrators than the victims.
"Council staff viewed abused and trafficked children as “prostitutes” instead of victims"

Are you fucking kidding me??? They are still children even if they were prostitutes ffs.
Seriously, when the fuck are vigilantes going to start up? I'm not even British and I want to make people pay for this bullshit.

There have been a few incidents but the media and authorities tend to keep it quiet because they know people are angry and will likely get the same idea if they keep seeing and hearing about it. A ring leader from one of these grooming gangs in Rotherham was released early from prison and a group of men dragged him from his house and beat him half to death with baseball bats. Yet it got no media coverage.

A guy from my hometown is currently awaiting sentencing for setting a kebab shop on fire where these scumbags were operating from. Also where I grew up there is/was a nightclub that did underage nights and loads of the local Pakistani Muslim men used to turn up waiting outside in their cars to try and pick up the young girls. These are like 12 and 13 year-olds we are talking about here. Eventually the locals got together and gave them a good kicking, a few people were arrested and there were of course cries of racism but it did put a stop to it. That is going back a few years now though.
They are called Asians because they are from the Asian subcontinent. There isn't a huge oriental faction of the UK.

I'm sure other Asian immigrant groups are loving the fact they're being lobbed into a category with Sunni muslims.
"Council staff viewed abused and trafficked children as “prostitutes” instead of victims"

Are you fucking kidding me??? They are still children even if they were prostitutes ffs.
No. Shit.

If a 13 year old is hooking it's not because it's a choice. And even If it is a choice, you help the kid on the right path, not abandon them to the vultures. There's absolutely no way out of this for these enablers.
"Council staff viewed abused and trafficked children as “prostitutes” instead of victims"

Are you fucking kidding me??? They are still children even if they were prostitutes ffs.

While this is a bit of a side track. I find that UK police come off as middle class socialists that Peterson describes.

I notice a distinct lack of lefties ITT.

They'll keep selling or buying white privilege, everything is fine, diversity is strength, they're all educated or doctors because they're addicted to this shit.

You're not taking that drug away from them.
There have been a few incidents but the media and authorities tend to keep it quiet because they know people are angry and will likely get the same idea if they keep seeing and hearing about it. A ring leader from one of these grooming gangs in Rotherham was released early from prison and a group of men dragged him from his house and beat him half to death with baseball bats. Yet it got no media coverage.

A guy from my hometown is currently awaiting sentencing for setting a kebab shop on fire where these scumbags were operating from. Also where I grew up there is/was a nightclub that did underage nights and loads of the local Pakistani Muslim men used to turn up waiting outside in their cars to try and pick up the young girls. These are like 12 and 13 year-olds we are talking about here. Eventually the locals got together and gave them a good kicking, a few people were arrested and there were of course cries of racism but it did put a stop to it. That is going back a few years now though.

Has anyone set up a website that identifies where these guys are located? Whenever I travel through Europe I try to find something telling me which stores are fronts, what parts of town I’m welcome in, if there are specific people a traveller might encounter while in town who I don’t want to give my money to etc. There’s never anything very organized, it’s always just piecing together info from message boards and reviews. Something organized that let people know definitely where these guys are and how they operate would be really useful.
UK police really have their priorities down. Ignore pedo rings while spending their time hunting down people saying mean words on the internet. Hey lets jail someone for more than a year for putting bacon a piece of fucking food on a mosque or tie up a guy in court for years for making a comedic video about his pug being a Nazi. Oh wait "Asians" are selling thousands and thousands of little British girls into sex slavery. Can't do anything about that wouldn't want to appear racist, let's just go after the people criticizing the "Asians".

I feel for the people in the UK that have to put up with this and were the victims of this or were close to the victims of this. Your government and especially your police have failed you. You deserve so much better and you must demand it in any way possible. The police that ignored this should be in fucking prision. This is why having a 1st and 2nd Amendment is so vital to us, it's the backbone of our country and we will not let them take either of them from us.

As far as the "Asian" label, I think it's past fucking time to drop the charade. We all know it's not Chinese and Koreans doing this. It's disingenuous to keep doing it and we know why it's done. Muslims are primarily doing this. The sad thing is there is almost certainly more and more of these stories on the way.
Can you imagine if gangs of white men were targeting Muslim or ethnic minority girls in this industrial scale level of abuse and the wider community happily turned a blind eye while the authorities not only ignored it, but actively set about aiding and abetting the abusers and going after the victims and their families to shut them up.

Yet all we hear is bullshit about white privilege, Islamophobia, racism and so on, like we are the problem. Even after terror attacks, like the one in Manchester that killed multiple children, Muslims are portrayed as the victims, Islam defended and the focus shifted on any potential backlash against Muslims.

This is what we voted for. British people voted for Sadiq Khan and Jeremy Corbyn.... they need to open their f**king eyes.
There is a RAHOWA going on , but it is not being waged by who you think it is. It is being waged by supremacist Muslims . What happened here is in the same vein as ISIS raping Yezidis, same as Pakistani Muslims raping Hindus and Christians in Pakistan. All those police and social workers who turned a blind eye should be in solitary for life, because death is too good for them.
This is what we voted for. British people voted for Sadiq Khan and Jeremy Corbyn.... they need to open their f**king eyes.
If I had UK citizenship, I would vote UKIP. My dad was offered UK citizenship but he declined, feeling American citizenship was enough. I used to live over there a long time ago, and have friends. These are liberal friends and they are disgusted by liberal apologists and establishment Brits who keep covering up for Islam and allowing Islamosupremacists to get away with their crap.

There are lots of cultures there, many fleeing brutal wars as refugees, like Hindus fleeing Sri Lanka, Christians and Animists fleeing Africa. Plenty of Chinese, Thais, South East Asians , Christians from the Middle East, Pakistan & India, Buddhists from Asia. But this mass sectarian and racially biased raping and Jihadism is primarily a Pakistani Afghani thing.
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I think that is all true, and the reason why they are protected is because they are part of the demographics re-engineering program going on under the name of 'multiculturism and diversity'. Girls being raped is just a little bit of collateral damage and if publicized it runs contrary to the larger agenda.

At a lower level I am sure it has to do with being PC and toeing the party line, but that culture was put in place to protect large scale agendas, to the point where people have to fear losing their job if they go against it.

These sorts of things make people less 'tolerant' to what the people in power are pushing for the country so it is easy to see why it would be kept under wraps. Same reason for avoiding the recording of statistics as to what demographics commit crimes and such. The natives tend to get restless when incoming foreign groups rape the women and cause trouble.
You know I feel much the same way. That there has to be much more going on the background for the authorities to allow this kind of shit. And by that I mean, the powers that be are intentionally allowing this to happen because it is required for socially engineering Britain and the E.U.
Oh if only it were Muslims who were diddling children. How nice and easy that would make the world. Maybe it's time to start holding police agencies responsible for failing to properly assess or respond to complaints or reports about possible child abuse. Or an outside agency (not just an arm of the police) specifically designed to monitor criminal acts or suspected criminal acts with children. Something needs to change because this isn't just a muslim issue, it's Christian, Jewish, Atheist, Agnostic, or even people who have never thought about religion seriously for a moment in their life. Child sex rings aren't inherently some groups "thing". Muslims may be the majority of the problem, but we shouldn't just be dealing with the "majority" of child abuse.
If this "demographics re-engineering program" is really taking place, why are politicians pushing for it? What is the end game here?
Globalism and cheap labor, a mixed demographic so fragmented and divided makes for easier control, drive wage and labor rates down.etc.

There’s a million benefits to a gov controlled by corporate interest to do this.

Not so much for those pesky hold outs.
Well there goes Vivas attempt to save the Muslims.

From the article:

I honestly missed that. I skimmed the article. The fucking thing is unreadable with the adds all over the page.

Still. 40 years.

Is the idea that Muslims have been running this prostitution ring for 40 years, and Muslims had the political and law enforcement connections to cover this up?