Brendan Schaub downplays making a million at PFL: "Name a champion. Just being in UFC is better"

He might be right to a degree. How many times is someone gonna win it more than once? How much are they making outside of that one $1M payout? With the UFC they probably get a higher base rate and more exposure. Just depends on the fighter and the circumstances of winning.
That last comment is major baloney
Only if you are a casual lying to yourself about being such. Nobody calling self a fan of Boxing would not be able to tell you the various Champions, just as every fan of Football, can tell you the last 3 Superbowl Champs, regardless if their favorite team was in the game or not. That is a problem in MMA, casuals lie to themself and think of self as a fan, while casuals of other sports openly call themself jumping on the bandwagon.
I’d take the million and then explore my options : build my resume. Win two in a row? 2 million is a good cushion to have
Schaub has to be one of the dumbest people ever post MMA career, he's become a delusional retard that always thinks they are right. He got beat back to having the brain of an infant it's almost like he never grew up - and when that man moment came for him to stand up for himself and his career, he caved to peer pressure. "Oh we were only saving you from CTE" uh too late there Joe. Should have let him go out on his shield instead of becoming such a beta male pussy.

At this point, yeah he might have been a UFC fighter, but like half this board would whoop brendan's ass in a fight nowadays- not based on skill or strength, but because he has no balls. These days schaub spends more time thinking about going shopping for skinny jeans with his wife than learning anything useful about MMA.
Schaub collects shoes, and clothes, and would pass on a million over what people thought about the company he's fighting for... Confirmed Trans, bye Brenda
I mean he's not entirely wrong. UFC is the major leagues of MMA. So much so that people who don't watch MMA, call MMA "UFC". Would you rather call yourself a PFL champion of the world, or a UFC champion of the world? And it is true that if you are successful enough in the UFC you can make more money there then you can anywhere else.
With that being said though, I would rather make one million dollars in the PFL than 60 K in the UFC. And If I was a young fighter struggling to pay my rent every month I would take the bigger paycheck in the PFL instead of taking my chances in the UFC for less money too.

So the biggest benefit of fighting in the UFC over the PFL is the respect of people who don't know the difference between UFC and MMA.

Easily worth a million dollars..........

I'd rather have a million dollars in my pocket than be "known". What % of UFC fighters even make $1 million their whole career? Let's face it, unless you're a champ or a big personality I doubt you're making shit in the UFC. Seems like a decent alternative for those not in the upper echelon. If anything the fighters could use more options.
The vast majority in the UFC are not going to make a million dollars over there career, they also have ongoing health costs per fight and training fees which are deducted, winning one million in one go doesn't see many of those costs, you can invest that money and get a good turnaround pretty quickly. A lot of the guys in PFL are not elite fighters either, it's not like you have ranked fighters competing with each other. Don't know what he is talking about sponsorship wise, you can't actively display your sponsors...not at weigh ins, not during the fight, not even during the walk out.

I am surprised more bigger names , especially at the tail end of their careers are not taking that opportunity to be honest.
This guy is a fucking moron

“I’d rather take a shot at shooting for the moon and landing on the stars”

The closest star is further away than the moon, hence landing on a star being a bigger achievement.

Seriously what a dumb cunt
Fight average fighters for 1 mil or get on 4-5 fight winning streak against decent fighters and you are not sure to even be able to face a top 15 fighter and probably the juicy 30k/30k... not even talking about if the ufc doesn't like your fighting style, then you aren't doing anywhere.

Yeah that's really a hard choice.
PFL is probably better if you pretty mediocre or very green, but the goal should be to get to the UFC.

This guy is a fucking moron

“I’d rather take a shot at shooting for the moon and landing on the stars”

The closest star is further away than the moon, hence landing on a star being a bigger achievement.

Seriously what a dumb cunt
If you shoot at something and miss, the bullet lands further than your target.
I mean he's not entirely wrong. UFC is the major leagues of MMA. So much so that people who don't watch MMA, call MMA "UFC". Would you rather call yourself a PFL champion of the world, or a UFC champion of the world? And it is true that if you are successful enough in the UFC you can make more money there then you can anywhere else.
With that being said though, I would rather make one million dollars in the PFL than 60 K in the UFC. And If I was a young fighter struggling to pay my rent every month I would take the bigger paycheck in the PFL instead of taking my chances in the UFC for less money too.
True-ish, being successful in the UFC doesnt always equals big money.
Sure, if you win the tournament that’s a nice pay day and better than you could do in the same time frame in the UFC unless you’re a top draw. However, with injuries being so common and poor judging, there’s good chance you get screwed out of the tournament and end up making less.
Pretty sure that happened to Jordan Johnson this year. The guy gave up a 4 fight UFC win streak and had finished his entry level contract. He was 10-0 was even ranked 15lhw but chose not to resign to chase the PFL 1m, he was 2-2-1 on the season I doubt the ufc would resign him now and 5 or 4 ufc fight probably have paid him alot more there.
PFL is probably better if you pretty mediocre or very green, but the goal should be to get to the UFC.

If you shoot at something and miss, the bullet lands further than your target.
Pretty sure Schaub isn’t using bullets because he said land not destroy/break
Schaub as usual saying stupid shit to get attention. There is no way Palmer or Schulte would get anywhere near 2 million plus every fight purse over a 2 year period in the UFC. Good for them, they made bank and have become much more valuable to MMA promotions.
Ask Mike Perry and see if he would trade places with one of the winners.
He might be right to a degree. How many times is someone gonna win it more than once? How much are they making outside of that one $1M payout? With the UFC they probably get a higher base rate and more exposure. Just depends on the fighter and the circumstances of winning.
more exposure but most the PFL fighters probably make more than they would in UFC even without the million for first or $200K for second.