Theres a lot of partisan bullshit in this thread.
For anyone interested in facts, the entire document states that he owes his lawyer Cohen 100,000 in legal fees 4 months after being inaugurated as president.
There is 0, I repeat 0 mention of stormy daniels anywhere.
During there first year in office no President has ever been "pushed" to sign these forms but Trump is the one exception out of 45 former Presidents.
How long is it going to take the morons on both sides of the isle realize this isn't a left vs right issue. But an issue of an outsider President being persecuted by the entrenched political elite on both sides?
Fuck, I'd take a mass pandemic at this point just to kill off the stupid on both sides.
Just a diednote, most high profile lawyers charge well over 2,000 dollars per hour retained. So President Trump owed Cohen 50 hours worth of work during 2016.
Are we as a society at a point were we just fling shit till it sitcks?