Breaking in your MMA gloves

Matt Thornton

Amateur Fighter
Sep 2, 2004
Reaction score
I haven't seen any threads on this, but if there is one, please don't flame me. Just point me in the right direction. Thank you.

So anyways, I'm talking about American-style MMA gloves here. That is, Ouano type ones. While some come pretty well broken in, others are stiffer than a board. It's difficult to form a good fist, and the striking area isn't all that great before the glove is broken in. Your punch connects more with the finger area than the fist area.

Anyone have any good methods they use?
I received my pair as hand-me-downs, so they were already broken in. I wouldn't apply anythign to them. Perhaps just use them to shadow box and grapple? Or maybe just wear them around the house and stretch them.
well when I got my ouanos they were fine, both my shooto and ufc style ones, so i dunno. but the only way to break them in is through use ofcourse. I know after I started using mine I was losing skin on the joint inbetween my finger tip and my actual knuckles, so :(

but good luck, i suggest just pounding a heavy bag until you're comfortable with them.

Have you tried the old baseball mitt technique?

Oil the shit out of them, then put them under a pillow and sleep on them. If you can get a mold of a hand, maybe put that inside it before sleeping on it (like pocketing a catcher's glove with a baseball, in principle).
never ever heard that technique 0.o; but then again baseball isn't very popular in Aus, does it really work? :S

must try sometime, though it does sound a bit, strange...

Fozzy said:
never ever heard that technique 0.o; but then again baseball isn't very popular in Aus, does it really work? :S

must try sometime, though it does sound a bit, strange...


You really never heard of it? That's like part of growing up here; a tradition a father is expected to hand down to his son: how to break in a baseball mitt.

Hell yeah, it works. The professional catcher's gloves? Those things are unusable until after you've done this for a week, and then a weeks use of catching in practice after that. But you're an idiot if you try to catch a 90mph fastball with anything less.
i break my gloves in by wearing them while i do my bas rutten workout every mourning. i don't use them on the heavybag cus i have boxing gloves and bag gloves for that and the bag was tearing the skin off the exposed part of my fingers.