Boxing Fatigue

Semper Barta

Yellow Belt
Dec 18, 2015
Reaction score
Looking for some recommendations. Lately I have been feeling at times that I am fatiguing a lot sooner than I normally do. My hands have been feeling a bit heavier too.

What's weird though is my diet and workouts haven't changed at all. In fact, if anything I feel like they have improved. What's even odder is this fatigue is not all the time, it feels intermittent - like one day I feel lightning quick and the next I feel like I am going in slow motion.

Does anybody get this way at time or have any experience with this? I feel like maybe I am hitting a wall - maybe over exerting myself but I am not sure. When you guys have experienced this is there anything in particular you have done that helped? Perhaps I just need to take a little time off?
Adrenaline dump
Not enough rest

I'm leaning towards not enough rest. Give me a day or 2 or even a week and you will see your KOing people left and right.

could be a lot of things. i get it too, usually in the form of a total loss of energy. Body feels fine, but i dont have the actual energy to move and just want to collapse and die.

But i'm a 36 year old man who lives off coffee and has 2 kids under 3 that dont let him sleep, so what's causing my fatigue is pretty obvious.
I turn 40 next week and feel like this often. Other than what was mentioned above you got to breathe out heavy with every shot you give or take. I am sure you know this, but I always forget. Easy to do when hitting the bag or shadowboxing but once that mouthguard goes in I forget and get winded as hell.
Does anybody get this way at time or have any experience with this?

Literally everyone. Do controlled "experiments" where you adjust one thing and see how you feel, like increasing your protein, sleep, cardio, etc. Just be aware you'll get some false positives; don't assume you solved it if you feel good one day. Keep fine tuning and testing until you know what to eat and do before each workout.
Also, don't even think about it. Sometimes, I think about my cardio like "how come I'm still not tired yet" then BOOM I can't lift a finger no mo.