Boxer Floyd Mayweather booed while watching NBA game

Well atleast they still boo, it could be worse they could not make a peep. All the boos would have sounded like cash registers going berzerk in his head I would imagine.
Well atleast they still boo, it could be worse they could not make a peep. All the boos would have sounded like cash registers going berzerk in his head I would imagine.
yeah floyd is really unpopular in nba games. i think this is the second time he was booed at the nba
he thrives off the hate. it is what made him so rich in his career
LOL someone should tell this to the pro-Floyd nuthuggers in the Floyd vs. Ali thread. They can't seen to fathom why Ali was more popular than Floyd.
LOL someone should tell this to the pro-Floyd nuthuggers in the Floyd vs. Ali thread. They can't seen to fathom why Ali was more popular than Floyd.
When, no, that thread has people saying he's a better boxer. Not more popular.
LOL someone should tell this to the pro-Floyd nuthuggers in the Floyd vs. Ali thread. They can't seen to fathom why Ali was more popular than Floyd.

Literally no one in that thread said this.
That guy talks shit about Floyd and has zero to back it up. But hey, let's not let facts stop a shit story. No actually lets do that, and at the same time tell queen b to shut the fuck up about PBC.
LOL someone should tell this to the pro-Floyd nuthuggers in the Floyd vs. Ali thread. They can't seen to fathom why Ali was more popular than Floyd.
I don't think anyone has said he's more liked or popular than Ali was.
Well atleast they still boo, it could be worse they could not make a peep. All the boos would have sounded like cash registers going berzerk in his head I would imagine.

That would have been funny... he pops up on the jumbo tron and the noise completely cuts out, no boos... no cheers.
Just an occasional throat clearing.