Social Boston cancels advanced classes (be less white, and Asian while you're at it)

Namely...fixing black culture and getting two parents in the house hold who give a damn.

So if it's about fixing black culture and getting two parents in the house, how does that logic work for Latino families?

What is your brilliant solution for a culture that is as family oriented as it gets?
The most qualified immigrants drawn from the global population. Which would be predominantly filled with people from the most populous nations. When 2 countries have more than 33% of the world's population, they're going to be a large percentage of any group that draws from the international ranks.
But what does that have to do with America having a respectable rate of STEM graduates relative to other nations and their populations?
When most of your STEM students are foreign born, that's a failure of your domestic educational system. When other economies become more developed as time goes on, your pool is going to shrink and you can no longer sustain growth. Even accounting for children of immigrants, only 20% of your students major in STEM fields.
So if it's about fixing black culture and getting two parents in the house, how does that logic work for Latino families?

What is your brilliant solution for a culture that is as family oriented as it gets?

I dunno what the fuck is wrong with the MOTIVATION of latino culture. That's not my problem. I am not latino. Maybe their culture is more into trade skills and working with their hands? Maybe they have zero interest in the shit taugh by the courses? Or maybe Latinos don't know how to use the internet like Biden suggested?

The problem you are going to have is that in order to fix these things, you are going to need to reflect hard on the cultures that are falling behind.

Diversity! It's a strength!

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I used to consider RT a reliable news source. But after examining the original the article you posted, it is clear that RT is just another media outlet that is sensationalizing and pushing racism in stories when it isn't even an issue.

That's not to say the Boston school system is not addressing race, but they are addressing race as it pertains to how the Pandemic is affecting the ability to administer the academic tests in specific communities.

The article makes it read as though race is affecting enrollment.

Please post your source as this was on multiple outlets, not just rt.
Lol you've been talking about "fake news" for years now, but you seem to believe wholeheartedly in news that supports your right-winged views.

Or, just like the mr potato head controversy, they did a 180 when normal Americans expressed displeasure with caving to the insane fringe left.
When most of your STEM students are foreign born, that's a failure of your domestic educational system. When other economies become more developed as time goes on, your pool is going to shrink and you can no longer sustain growth. Even accounting for children of immigrants, only 20% of your students major in STEM fields.

So our education system is a failure because it attracts students from around the world to graduate from our STEM systems?

Sounds to me like it's a pretty good system.
And before you two schmucks try and logic this one, everything those in charge were quoted as saying before public reaction are talking about EQUITY.

"There's been a lot of inequities that have been brought to the light in the pandemic that we have to address," Cassellius told GBH News. "There's a lot of work we have to do in the district to be antiracist and have policies where all of our students have a fair shot at an equitable and excellent education."

"School Committee member Lorna Rivera said at a January meeting that she was disturbed by the findings, noting that nearly 60 percent of fourth graders in the program at the Ohrenberger school in West Roxbury are white even though most third graders enrolled at the school are Black and Hispanic.

"This is just not acceptable," Rivera said at a recent school committee meeting. "I've never heard these statistics before, and I'm very very disturbed by them."

So after OBVIOUS backlash from the Asian community they are now walking back that rhetoric to something sounding like this;

Following publication of this story, Cassellius told GBH News that equity concerns about the advance work program were not the motivation for suspension of the test this year. She said the test suspension was only a consequence of the pandemic making it impossible to administer the test.

I think it's fairly safe to conclude the motivations behind this SUSPENSION...

Well you shitheads are in for a treat because in order to get everyone on equal footing you are going to need to come to terms with some shit you don't like. Namely...fixing black culture and getting two parents in the house hold who give a damn.

We voted this nonsense in! I love watching this shit play out.


This is a CYA reaction. A complete 180 after the public finds out.
Please post your source as this was on multiple outlets, not just rt.
I clearly wrote to you that my source was your opening post of this thread. Go ahead and click the link in the tweet. Takes you straight to RT.

@panamaican was correct. Some of you people can't read for shit.
I clearly wrote to you that my source was your opening post of this thread. Go ahead and click the link in the tweet. Takes you straight to RT.

@panamaican was correct. Some of you people can't read for shit.

I read the fucking link and quoted it back to you.

Your fucking problem (and you are not alone) is your are trying to look at this nonsense with rose colored glasses when CLEARLY those in power were quoted by myself having detailed their motivations. So fuck off with your cherry picking bullshit.

This is Kamala Harris's nonsense at play here. We all knew it was coming. Enjoy it. China is laughing at us.
I clearly wrote to you that my source was your opening post of this thread. Go ahead and click the link in the tweet. Takes you straight to RT.

@panamaican was correct. Some of you people can't read for shit.




School Committee member Lorna Rivera said at a January meeting that she was disturbed by the findings, noting that nearly 60 percent of fourth graders in the program at the Ohrenberger school in West Roxbury are white even though most third graders enrolled at the school are Black and Hispanic.

"This is just not acceptable,"

turned into this

Following publication of this story, Cassellius told GBH News that equity concerns about the advance work program were not the motivation for suspension of the test this year. She said the test suspension was only a consequence of the pandemic making it impossible to administer the test.

I don't see how you're so ignorant to reality.
I read the fucking link and quoted it back to you.

Your fucking problem (and you are not alone) is your are trying to look at this nonsense with rose colored glasses when CLEARLY those in power were quoted by myself having detailed their motivations. So fuck off with your cherry picking bullshit.

This is Kamala Harris's nonsense at play here. We all knew it was coming. Enjoy it. China is laughing at us.

I don't have any problems with any of this. It's people like you and @bobgeese who have the problem. Now, I could be wrong, but I doubt quality education has anything to do with your grievances.

I don't know how many invitation letters your homes have received from Ivy League schools or how much involvement you have with educators or how often you interact with the education system, but the reality is, the truly gifted learners, the truly motivated, the top percentile of students with real potential will not be affected by any of this whatsoever.
I don't have any problems with any of this. It's people like you have the problem.

I don't know how many invitation letters your home has received from Ivy League schools or how much involvement you have with educators or how often you interact with the education system, but the reality is, the truly gifted learners, the truly motivated, the top percentile of students with real potential will not be affected by any of this whatsoever.

I don't have a problem with it either! I can't wait to see how this whole "holding shit back because the lowest denominator isn't motivated" idea works!

China thanks you for your idiocy!
I don't have any problems with any of this. It's people like you and @bobgeese who have the problem. Now, I could be wrong, but I doubt quality education has anything to do with your grievances.

I don't know how many invitation letters your homes have received from Ivy League schools or how much involvement you have with educators or how often you interact with the education system, but the reality is, the truly gifted learners, the truly motivated, the top percentile of students with real potential will not be affected by any of this whatsoever.

What exactly is my problem?

PS, as a child I tested in the gifted range. Perhaps you should hide that ignorance of yours a little better.
What exactly is my problem?

PS, as a child I tested in the gifted range. Perhaps you should hide that ignorance of yours a little better.
As a gifted learner, you know very well that this 4th to 6th grade drama from Boston thread you started has nothing to do with gifted or advanced students, but is really just a way for you to whine about lefty.
It sure is gross. Especially messed up these people think they are ‘right’ about this and don’t even see themselves as condescending racists.

It's like we're telling people; Don't work hard, we'll just make everything right for you. I work in IT, and the number of non-Americans doing the work is scary. We've farmed our data processing to an Indian company, meaning they have access to production client data.
As a gifted learner, you know very well that this 4th to 6th grade drama from Boston thread you started has nothing to do with gifted or advanced students, but is really just a way for you to whine about lefty.

Actually dumbass, it's a great disservice to the gifted kids from poor families. This robs them of the opportunity to reach their full potential.
So our education system is a failure because it attracts students from around the world to graduate from our STEM systems?

Sounds to me like it's a pretty good system.
Yes your K-12 is a failure. The fact that you need foreign talents to fill your STEM higher education means your foundation is seriously flawed.